An idea on how to do 10 minutes on my thesis.
One minute introduction
Eight minutes on my research: my method, then what I found, interpretation.
One minute conclusion back to the big picture, individual experiences that added up to the industrial revolution.
I think I can read 170 words per minute. That would be 1700 words total. And I have 18 days to do it in, including two weekends. The methods part I could do tonight (not now I don't feel like it ) 510 words on how, including what I did.
Purpose: to study the role of children 12 and under in wool-making in a small town in Rhode Island. Records decided the time span (three generations of Hazards from 1750 to 1850). Thomas Hazard record book, records of Roland Hazard’s “putting out” system and the next generation’s factory. Names. Ages and relationships between workers. Genealogies, birth and death and marriage records. Over 600 names. Problems: record-keeping, similar names!
Interpretation: there's more genealogical history needed about household production and the cottage industry.
The relationships. There were two and three generations of workers from the same families. Insight into changes in people’s lives that we call the industrial revolution.
Comment 2023
170 words a minute? Whatever you say, sister! My MS thesis was fun. The primary research was fascinating, and it practically wrote itself. Turned out so well, I decided to go on for a PhD. Read on…
Ah, go on!
I've been plugging away at the various works. Last of all my dissertation. The class has been taking up lots of my time. I could easily spend all my time on that. That isn’t the idea is it?? So tomorrow I am going to stay home and work on: (1) finish the 608 paper (2) outlining my dissertation.
My class is taken care of through the end of October. A discussion on the nature of changes next week. Beginning, I think, with the saga of pantyhose.
Ann’s seminar today has prompted some inner strains of – – dare I say it – – ambition in my breast. I have been content, so far to rest on my laurels. Good teacher, nice thesis at Rhode Island. Good for six months coasting. Good teacher, all-around nice person at University of Maryland – – good for nearly a year of inactivity. Then double fellowship winner, double – – permanent hibernation! Last year it was marathon woman taking a gigantic overload just to see if I could take it. Well I could and I couldn't. Time to revive myself.
Comment 2023
My dissertation was a pain in the ass. Fought me every inch of the way, taunting me for my hubris.
The discovery of the day – – morning is not the time to read the morning paper. There's too much else to do that gets me going better – – exercise, washing up, fixing my face.
I still think about that second child. Not next spring, but how about between semesters? Getting pregnant in March would mean a baby in November? No, December. So maybe… I might have two months “off” and go with a lighter teaching load in the spring. If I were to have it late fall semester I wouldn't miss as much. Certainly makes the fall ACPTC conference rather interesting! Already, I'm working out logistics. I no longer wonder if I want one. Well, how about January? Not real terrific – – less time to recuperate.
Yesterday was excellent. I worked at home until almost 1 pm, then went to campus and did some more. A very satisfying day. (Despite the fact that it was too damn hot!)
I had a very good evening class, despite not having completed all the readings myself (for shame!). But this is a lively, wonderful group and we had a superb discussion of Barthes’ The Fashion System. Now if I only had time for my own research. Tomorrow is a loss: dentist, two meetings between noon and 3, then a 5 pm meeting and a 7 pm meeting, ho-hum!
The professionally busy time is winding down, with my last presentation for a while taking place tomorrow. I had hoped to have it all written out, but that may not happen. But I have an outline, and I know what I am going to say. I just need - at minimum - to have some good visuals and a few more key phrases. I can wing the rest if I need to.
I also need to check the date for the Costume Society of America, now that the spring retreat is set. I hope I can do both. I should also contact the person for the digital research of the humanities conference and see about collaborating, and maybe talk to E about how to develop a shared space using Web CT and perhaps work out a deal with them for licensing. And maybe a partnership with Girl Scouts.
It is really fall now, cooler and gray for now with some much-needed rain.
I feel I am feeling somewhat achy and not too settled at all; a bit restless and anxious. But mostly I am happy and energized!
I am still behind, though not as much. The course is going well, but I am still not sure in what direction. There are some great students in the class. PTSA is not even on the horizon. That's scary! Today I need to play, catch up with PTSA and pay some bills before Tom gets here for a writing session.
Comment 2023
Yes, I agreed to be the President of the Parent Teacher Student Association at my son’s high school. An entire year of being the Nice White Lady prez at a school that was 6% white, and an abyss filled with endless and pointless meetings. I have been to Hell.
Another year with Inktober. I think the prompt was “star”.
Yesterday was the usual busy Monday, made more complicated with the addition of outpatient surgery on an ingrown toenail. (The words conjure up a memorable episode of Fawlty Towers.) Maybe it’s the pain, but I have not been thrilled with the current Inktober prompt for the 8th day. Hike? Really? Just a few days after “trek”?
So I rebelled, and instead did a simple drawing and lyrics for a song that my knitting friends will appreciate. (The best part of the day was finished sock #1 of a pair; I was inspired.)
Hahah you weren't feeling the Dora the Explorer vibe? As for me, I appreciate short words. More room to play!