Oh--the comments were about how I loved some of it, esp forgiving your father. So moving.

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In trying to make sense of the previous year, I usually feel an urgent need to improve myself. I’m not sure why this year feels so different, but I like it. I just feel open and receptive to whatever’s coming ashore.

I hope your Simplicity class is going well, Jo. Happy New Year to you!

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And a Happy New Year to you, too, Ann.

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Families can be complicated, as we know.

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Maybe we are all kenough, after all.

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There is so much I'd like to comment on here, but with my old desk being emptied and disassembled (a project that was interrupted by weeks of quarantine and other things), while the new desk needs to be assembled, I no longer have the capability to go from screen to screen to figure it out.

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