It’s dawning on me that I’ve always wanted to be Mary Poppins.
Somehow, I am managing. The cooler weather sure helps my energy level. I’m making lists again and accomplishing things again. Little by little.
I am helping one student with her report. Is she really that dense? She doesn’t seem to follow me all the time, and I’m not explaining relativity. Her friend gave me some trouble last fall but is miraculously back in history of textiles, with that same puzzled look.
The semester is still new, my schedule still evolving, my time still my own for several hours a day. Today will start late, but I worry that I will get trapped in the house by the construction out front. So I need to figure out when to stop working at home and head to campus.
Remember that EPortfolio chapter I agonized over back in June? I got the revision request two days ago and didn’t open it until today because I was just not ready to face a total re-write due Oct. 1. So I open the file and I see at the top of the document:
three lines of simple suggestions
”VERY good chapter, I enjoyed reading it. Ali”
Two weeks ago today, I left Star Island, and the next two weeks were Trial by Deadline. Star Island seems millions of miles away today, two weeks into classes and with three huge deadlines behind me. The unisex book is on its way back to Indiana. I have my Lyterati CV formatted and have started the assistant profs on their way. The recommendation letter is nearly complete, and will be mailed on time. My teaching portfolio has been forwarded to my promotion committee. It may not be done, but what the heck. Revision is a piece of cake. Time to review my projects and see what the next few weeks will bring. Also to take some leisurely time off for something besides napping and beer.
M & M have a new old house with an attic. It smells exactly like the attic in our house in New Jersey. Ah, the memories!
For the first time, my entries show gradual improvement, instead of years of being stuck in a rut. Maybe that means I will get more writing done today than I did yesterday. Fingers crossed. Maybe a few minutes on Star Island will help.
The webcam:
Or a nice still picture:
I have not posted to my gender-related Substack in two weeks. This morning I caught myself wondering if I could actually finish that project. “Maybe”, I thought, “I should just move on.” So today I will give it a try. Wish me luck.
Comment 2024
Perhaps in my next chapter, I will finally become Mary Poppins.
Good luck!
Good luck, Mary!