It has been a very nice weekend. Cool at night, warm sunny days. We cooked out with friends on Saturday. On Sunday we went to Georgetown for the last Concert on the Canal (Charlie Bird trio, Excellent). Today I did some shopping for supplies for Raggedy Anns for Kiddo and her cousin. In all a pleasant family holiday.
No regrets, none at all.
Classes have started, school has started, Kiddo 2 is going to nursery school. Suddenly I have a new work schedule, which is still evolving. I can get to work around 8:30 leave campus around five. Each day I get more things off my desk (more upstairs than downstairs). I am really enjoying the new job more and more as it gets smoother. With one more advisor on board, life will be even better. (Although, as always, supervision will be time consuming.)
A day of work and happiness. Swimming at the University pool. A great shower. Work and fellowship at the all-church clean-up. The satisfaction of the new bathroom rug. (How very small and simple.) The emotion of blues. Good reading in the latest Ms. Magazine. A fine, lovingly prepared dinner. The laughter of my family. And now sitting here and listening to Kiddo 1 sing. What a beautiful, strong, intelligent young woman she has become! And yet, wasn't she always all of those things?
I had a dream about one of my students. He has not yet logged into the course website, and he is among several people who are very behind already. I do not need people to be very behind.
I need to focus and get tons of stuff done. Lots and lots. Lots of work and thinking and drafting and dancing and maybe a nap.
Caught between planning,
doing, having, rememb’ring
A new beginning.
That was a week.
Comment 2023
Yes, it was. Not quite six months into the pandemic, and I had already lost two friends. The kicker is that it wasn’t COVID that took them, it was drug overdoses. Accidental or not, does it matter? Dean died in early September, in Sandy’s house. Sandy, my friend who just died this past June. After Sandy found him, she was never the same. The sadness just weighed her down. Such a stupid year, 2020.
Such a difficult year--2020.