I have to crack down and get more done! I have afternoons available TTh, and how many have I spent doing work? Especially library work? It’s so much easier to chat with Alice than get Things done.
Or Ann-Margaret and Madame Curie. I asked Jim who he thought was a really sexy woman. Sex goddess type, oozing sensuality, not simply attractive. The closest he came was Ann-Margaret. He said I was, but of course I’m not.
Good day yesterday. I had an idea about fashion and the interaction between makers and wearers.
Then I spoke at the GW American Studies costume course, and it went over splendidly. I can see where graduate teaching has its rewards; that class was much more engaged than my undergrad class.
I sincerely believe that the foundation of good teaching is mutual respect and trust between teacher and student. It’s different at different levels. But I try to begin each semester assuming that every student can learn the material, is interested and willing to work. There are always a few that are…
Time to return to work.
I just glanced at my reflection in the mirror and saw myself in ten or fifteen years. Short graying hair, still tall and medium-built, still puzzled. I liked the vision. I wish I could see it again, as it felt nice. Mature. Less anxious. Still open and friendly.
So far, so good. No period. Now three days late. Oh, boy!
C is starting to bug me again. She wants to do more coverlet research, and in order to do it she wants the department to acquire more coverlets. I feel railroaded; there is not enough space in the collection. Am I being unreasonable?
She also went to the chair to “check out correct procedures”, but it amounted to an attempt to supervise a another graduate student in an independent study, which she can’t do without my “supervision”. I have no problem doing whatever the right procedure is, but feel I should have been included in her discussion. What exactly is going on?
I am so grateful; for whatever led me to visit the Unitarian Universalist Church of Silver Spring that autumn day fifteen years ago. If I had only found a friend or two, it would have been enough. But I found a home for my own inquiry, a place for my children to grow and learn, and a community that served me and allowed me to serve it. There have been times in the 15 years that I have considered visiting other churches. Sometimes, I was just curious about other UUs. Sometimes I was trying to escape something - uncomfortable controversy, difficult people, or uninspiring worship. But the bottom line is that by actively living out the commitment I made by signing the membership book I have grown spiritually in ways I never imagined. Sometimes I’m a squeaky wheel. Sometimes I pitch in to find solutions. Sometimes I provide the labor to make things work. Before I could apply UU principles to my home and work life, I needed to practice them in the community there. Grateful for the love and support.
Last night I dreamed about getting ready to pick up the salmon; it was a typical anxiety dream. I was late, I was disorganized, I forgot something important. In fact, the day went smoothly. The only thing I planned to do that I did not was make dessert for the American Studies potluck. Oh, well.
My morning tarot readings seem to be eliciting a consistent message about starting a new project, being bold, being a leader and other encouragement. Today’s card, the Son of Cups, speaks to my sense of peace, going inward to contemplate. Tilted left, it signals that I am still distracted by outside events and worries. Ya think?
The October 1 deadlines are looming; it’s time to commit to a paper for PCA and Costume Society. It’s time to write that fucking LOA report, and to get cracking on my presentation for Shippensburg. It’s time to look over the stuff for ASA. Geez.
Thankfully, it will be in the 60s today, so it is turning to fall and “working weather”.
I am mulling over retirement options in the back of my mind almost daily. Some sort of teaching, but not grading.
Yesterday I was struggling with writing - just over a one page, but it was really kicking my ass! I was walking from room to room (all four of them!) until it dawned on me that I needed a walkabout. I used to take my thoughts for a ride on the Metro once a week, and I haven’t in ages. So I reserved a seat at the 1 pm screening of Jawan and made the hour-long journey (a mile of walking, and then a bus ride) to Silver Spring. Quick lunch as I drafted yet another version of that section - much better - and then spent three hours with my age-appropriate Indian movie crush. Hubba hubba and hooray for me.