TGIF yesterday. Long faculty meeting, with Alice getting very upset. We take turns crying on Steve S’s shoulder. Then we (Jim, Alice and I) went to see “The Day the Earth Stood Still” for free; a truly excellent film that I saw several times in my babysitting days.
Jim is working on David Gray's De Soto again, and I should “do things” this weekend. The article is top priority…getting an outline and first paragraph would be good.
I wish my sinuses would ease off.
Things are looking up, I think. Last year is beginning to look like more of an interlude than a beginning.
September is skidding by, and I am managing to do all right with my work. It could be better, but then *I* could be better. Somehow I have forgotten when my meeting with the assistant dean is to be, and I am convinced it will be sometime this week. Awful feeling! So I must call him back tomorrow and find out. So much to do, so little time – – and even less energy!
Comment 2024
Proof that short-term memory lapses have little to do with age.
Today's reading made me laugh out loud with its rightness. It was about the tug and pull of motherhood on the trajectory of women’s success. Author Fay Weldon was asked why the sentences in her early works were shorter than those in later works. She replied that the early works were written when her children were small, and as they grew, she had fewer interruptions. Maybe that's why I've written mostly articles! Not entirely, though, if I'm honest with myself.
This is a delicious time in my children's lives, as well as mine. They are old enough to be pretty self-sufficient, young enough to be fun and not yet old enough to leave me. These are the times to savor, not the baby times. I think I enjoyed their infancy more out of surprise than anything else! I had expected to tolerate it at best, and it turned out to be a fascinating time. But two babyhoods is really my limit
Comment 2023
It’s is another of those delicious days today: an Oktoberfest meet-up with Kiddo 2, all grown up.
A very productive day, despite having had a crappy night's sleep. A short after lunch nap helped a bit, and I was able to get some needed collection work done before heading to my writing group. After that, I took a break and then headed to the bowling alley. I am finding that three games is beyond my limit lately. My knee starts to hurt and my bowling suffers.
Writer's block
Writer's block I have no idea what to say or how or who might be listening or might want to listen. If they knew I had something to say. If I had something to day. The Great Dismal Swamp has nothing on you.
Comment 2023
Look another poem, out of nowhere!
And here’s another one that arrived yesterday:
Impulses: Some pull me inside, Some push me outside. Can I do both at once? If not, which do I do first? The answer is “yes”.
And yesterday, this one:
Breakwater Heartbreak
A gull fell in love.
It pines on the breakwater,
Watching the big yellow bird.