Almost 10 PM
Went to Sue's place for dinner tonight – – very nice, though we couldn't stay very long. How often I find myself envying women who have their own apartments. So much of my surroundings are Jim’s. Not that I don't like them, but I didn't choose them.
I'm looking forward to cooler weather now. It hasn't been that hot this summer, so maybe I'm spoiled. But the prospect of cooler days and nights, and having the windows open, is an attractive one. October promises to be a busy month, but I find I’m managing my time fairly well. Going into the department occasionally on weekends is really no bother. I get more done when no one's around.
We really must do something about religion. I feel the need for some regular spiritual life, but I'm not sure what. We had intended to shop around before Kiddo came, but managed to procrastinate long enough that we didn't get to it. Today I'm talking to Ann's history of textiles class, and I am looking forward to having it over with. It's a canned talk, but it's at 11 o'clock which leaves me very little leeway in getting Kiddo up, dressed, fed, and to the sitters. She'll eat early today!
Comment 2023
How interesting to see exactly when my adult spiritual journey began. I was raised Lutheran (Mom was a preacher’s kid; Dad loved to sing and Lutherans love their choral music.) with a brief detour into Episcolpaland when we moved to New England. Jim was a (very) lapsed Catholic, though a fan of Vatican II. For the first twelve years of our marriage, Sunday was newspaper crosswords and laundry day. Then we became parents. It’s an old story, I’m sure.
The shit has officially hit the fan. See that “to do this week” I did on Monday? I am 2/3 of the way through one item of the eight listed. Work is piling on, and getting worse. Today and tomorrow, and probably the weekend, are already toast. Eek.
I almost have a routine. One more week ought to do it. The alternating 8 AM meetings on Mondays and Tuesdays turned out to a blessing in disguise. Jim drops me off before 7 at Ritchie and I have time for a workout and a shower before heading to Marie Mount Hall. The health initiative is frustrating. On Thursday I was down to 196.5 on the ERC scale; this morning the home scale says 199. Can I really undo four weeks of work in two days? I call shenanigans. This is the point where I usually get discouraged and stop tracking food. Must. Not. Quit.
In terms of work, I need to turn my attention to LOAs, the ASA session, and my talk at Shippensburg. (Also a bunch of smaller tasks for undergrad studies.) The kitchen is still in limbo.
Today is Wednesday. Lupus did not come and pick up the stuff and it rained a bit overnight.
Today I write and plan.
Nine of cups, tilted right. A pool! Pottery! Acrobats! Looks both calm and full of energy.
I am actively seeking or manifesting some wish or desire.
Yes I am!
It’s been a week
I have watched lots of movies, many of which I have already forgotten. Last time it was Qarib Qarib Single, and before that Something Something, and the rest of the Pakistani miniseries. And Angamaly Diaries, and Thodu. Amazingly, no Shah Rukh Khan.
I also finished the last of Diane’s chairs, embroidered a name on a memorial quilt, and started working on Alexa’s stole. But I have not been writing, an omission I plan to remedy today.
I just read the two earlier entries for this day, both written in the throes of the first few weeks of classes, and realized how little I miss any of it. Retirement is good, even if it means being poor again.
One huge change in retirement life: with both of us at home, I must share the TV. Who knew there was so much soccer in the world? There is always a match somewhere. So my Indian movie consumption has taken a serious hit. I sit in my easy chair off to one side of the living room, my face bathed in the glow of my iPad, while the two Robbies rattle on about the Premier League.