October 6
Oh, I am getting busy and distracted, despite the fact that I am on sabbatical and have only my own work to do.
Finally a few free moments. I am still busy, still feeling poised for something big, while the “little naggies” nip at my ankles. Do I pick at the naggies, and never have time for the big something, or do I learn to ignore the naggies and get the Big Something done?
And what do I want spiritually? I said this morning I was interested in exploring Christianity at last, looking for the pieces of value in everything I learned as a child. Did I mean it?
The RE class and the meeting went really well, and made me feel good about our decision to lead About Your Sexuality this year. It also feels very good to be less busy at work, and although things are starting to pile up (as always) , I am not terribly stressed, compared with last spring, which was a horror. Let that be a lesson to me.
Comment 2023
And what, pray tell, is the lesson? Convince your close friends and relatives not to have medical emergencies at the end of the semester? Good luck with that.
Oh, I am getting busy and distracted, despite the fact that I am on sabbatical and have only my own work to do.
Comment 2023
Just wait until you retire.
Jim and I are seeing Blade Runner in two hours! In IMAX 3D. It has been a very good week. I feel closer to being back on track with Book 3.
Tarot: High Priestess, tilted left. Partial understanding. Well, yes. That’s where I am with my Book 3 jigsaw puzzle.
Comment 2023
Still true.
Comment 2024
Still true, but now I think it’s book version 5.
Inktober: “Drool”
Yesterday was amazing. First, the mind map worked! I revised an entire section of the essay, and the next step is clear in my mind. Besides that, I also dropped off a couple of widgets at the electronics recycling event, finished the second of the original Midsommer Murders books (such great writing!), met another Jo (a rare treat), and had an excellent early music rehearsal. From there, I went directly to my writers’ group meeting for heart-felt constructive criticism and support, then to dinner with Jim and finally to a brilliant lecture on AI. The only downside is that somewhere in my travels I lost track of our two favorite reusable shopping bags.
So today, I write some more, stop by at the annual Fall Fest for cider and churros, go in search of the shopping bags, and round out the day with dinner at the the best BBQ in the DMV with a small party of friends.
Too busy? Doesn’t feel like it.
Inktober Day 6 - golden
This is our neighbor’s golden retriever.
Inktober Day 6 - trek
This was a challenge. I credit
with teaching me how to draw tiny people.I spent the day at a pickleball tournament hosted by our senior community. We came in second, but Jim won all three of his matches, and I got to hang out and watch people be athletic.
Love the sneaky art little person! Gotta take that class next time he offers it!! And thanks for hanging at the tournament