Six more weeks until my due date. On the one had, it seems very soon. On the other had, so long to wait. I am not as ready as I’d hoped to be by now, either at home or at work. But then, I always plan to do too much. After Thanksgiving, Kiddo. The most likely time is between November 24 and Dec. 22. So it might be 4 more weeks, or it might be 2 more MONTHS. (A truly horrible thought.)
A day off, and it promises to be interesting and lively. I finished the summer research proposal (yay! Yay!! YAY!!!) and the concert was magnificent. The dental appointment was even ok, as I asked about cold sensitivity and got answers and solutions.Why do I want to suffer in silence? Not such a mystery: it was Mom’s constant complaining and sharing her pain, and not wanting to be like her.
Today Kiddo 1 and I go to visit UMBC, with Sandy and Rachel. Our first real step toward her going off to college. Sigh. If I could just have her back as a seven-year-old, if only for a moment.
So it is time to pack for Nebraska. After decades of conferences, I normally have this down to a science. It's a short list: one pair black conference trousers, one pair of jeans, and enough solid-color tops to last the duration, plus a light cardigan for layering, and a small assortment of colorful accessories. Add a tailored jacket, and I am set. But this is not a conference, and I will be away for nearly a month. I will be among strangers who used to be classmates nearly 60 years ago, and I want to make a good impression, but still be myself. I am not trying to blend in or pretend to be someone I am not. I have no idea what activities I will be doing. (Can I join the yoga class at the Methodist church?)
Add to this my three degrees in clothing, and a career teaching and writing about fashion, which makes me well-aware of the role of dress in forming first impressions. So I am thinking, rethinking and -- probably -- overthinking. Are the red Mary Janes with the cutouts too hippie? Do 67-year old women in North Platte wear jeans as much as I do? Do I pack my black skinny jeans?
I will post my packing list once I get this worked out.
Ixnay on the innyskay eansjay. I don't wear them that often. Traded the winter jacket for the just-as-warm but more packable layers of silk undershirt, thrift store cashmeres, and fleece vest. No yoga clothes. Who am I kidding? Other than it, it's my conference wardrobe, plus a pair of corduroy trousers. And yes, yes, YES to the red Mary Janes with the cutouts.
Additional update:
A friend who is originally from Omaha convinced me to take the yoga pants.
Comment 2024
The old red Mary Janes finally bit the dust. Replaced them with new red Mary Janes. (Of course)