Bad, achey back yesterday. I am getting through the night by taking antihistamines (Dr. Says OK) but they leave me dopey. There is so much to do, and I just don’t have the energy or focus.
The clothing thing has me worried. Over the weekend in Cape May we met a woman who was 4 1/2 months pregnant and already big and in maternity clothes. It was her first baby, too. That’s me in 2 1/2- 3 months. January. That means I’ll be showing by early December. I am beginning to notice some of my clothes are a bit tighter.. Many were already fairly fitted, that being the way I wear my clothes. It does create a problem now, though.
Time to get moving.
So what is Wednesday? Well, this Wednesday is sewing day! I would love every day to be sewing day, or at least textile day. But right now sewing day works. It can’t be easily picked up and put down. It is a production, and takes up lots of time and space. This week it is Kiddo 1’s dress for homecoming. Next week it could be Teletubby heads for Hallowe’en, but she seems to be changing her mind. (Whew!)
Today could also be a great day to work outside - sunny and bright, but still warm (70).
I am reading the Gospels. I still love the Sermon on the Mount.
Today is Saturday, again.
We were in Rehoboth Beach most of last week. The weather was summer for the first two days, then fall. Heat and high humidity followed by damp, rainy, and even a bit chilly. But still good. I ate too well, probably had too much beer, and slipped on all of my new habits. So I guess they aren’t habits yet.
The next few weeks and months should be easier. No travel, no overnight stays. Time to knuckle down on all my writing projects. NaNoWriMo beckons once more.
Love Poem
A raindrop falls Hair Eyebrow Nose Dimple Clavicle Becoming one with my lover’s shirt
Inktober day 14 Roam
I love the poem!