Our eighth anniversary. I spent it in bed – – alone, unless you count Marley and all the half spent tissues. Yeah. Hopefully tomorrow I will be functioning again. I have to give a lecture and attend a class. Hi ho hi ho hi ho. My throat is better, rather dry; my nose is a tad bit sore, and my sinuses are incredibly congested. It feels as if my head is turning into a pressure cooker. My body – – especially my trunk – – feels fine. I think it's wondering why I didn't get to go anywhere today. My head keeps telling it to shut up. Right now I'm waiting to get sleepy so I can go to sleep. Perhaps a bit of economics would do the trick! Never fails.
15 years! Amazing. That looks like such a long time, but doesn't feel it. Jim is quite definitely the best thing that ever happened to me. Period.
I want:
A book contract
A grant
A healthy baby in 1987
Tenure and promotion in 1987
The college to stay independent
To get the house clean
Time to see mom
About 1 AM. Shades of Kiddo #1, I’ve awakened with contractions. Braxton-Hicks, I’m sure, but it’s an eery sense of deja vu. Hope it’s just a practice session; 7 1/2 weeks is just too early.
Was it 27 years ago? That is time, my dears. That is time beyond clocks and calendars, just stretching through a lifetime. Not everyone has this kind of love, more’s the pity. And I don’t always appreciate it, even worse.
But 27 years ago we gathered with our friends and family at the Dryansky’s house, to celebrate a love that seemed miraculous.
For weeks I have been working towards giving my paper at the American Studies Meeting in Hartford, coming up this Thursday. I had myself convinced that my train leaves around 4 pm. Guess what? Try 12:25 p.m.!
So instead of having the morning to pay bills and pack and loll around, and tonight to finish my grading, I have NO TIME TO DO ANYTHING! ack, ack, ack! So much for the illusion of being organized. So I am dashing emails off to people apologizing for not getting around to the stuff I thought I would be doing only I am not. Feh. And when I get home on Sunday the house will be in chaos. Good thing autumn break is coming up..oh wait, that’s for those other people who work at other colleges. poop.
So it’s our anniversary today – 36 years. Yipes!!!! What a (very) long, strange trip it’s been. So far so good, though!
And because it is such a beautiful day today – just like it was then (except it was colder because we were in Syracuse, NY) – here is the e.e.cummings poem our best man Paul read to open the ceremony.
i thank You God for most this amazing day:for the leaping greenly spirits of trees and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything which is natural which is infinite which is yes (i who have died am alive again today, and this is the sun’s birthday; this is the birth day of life and of love and wings:and of the gay great happening illimitably earth) how should tasting touching hearing seeing breathing any–lifted from the no of all nothing–human merely being doubt unimaginable You? (now the ears of my ears awake and now the eyes of my eyes are opened)
Oh, mon amour Mon doux mon tendre mon merveilleux amour De l'aube claire jusqu'à la fin du jour Je t'aime encore, tu sais, je t'aime
Celebrating our 42nd wedding anniversary with lots of garlic. Mmmm.
American Studies Association meeting session notes, 10/10/2015.
God is the wild, raging rapids and the slow meandering flow. #inktober2018 #flowing
For the song, listen here:
Made Amtrak reservations (3/18-31) to see Katie in California.
Comment 2023
As you may recall, March 2020 turned out to be not the best travel month.
50th Anniversary Zoom was so much fun! So was the Schitt’s Creek binge. And the fish and chips with good beer.
We were just babies.
And now we have grown babies, grandbabies and a great-grandbaby.
6:27 pm, better late than never. Inktober Day 10 - nomadic. A memory from my years teaching world textiles.
And it so meaningful to read it again today! Love to you both !