Bridgeport Girl Scout Conference
Everyone’s more at ease today, but we don’t have much time. The first group was grand: Teenagers in Today’s World. The second group was bad - boring. The YMCA was beautiful - the pool, I mean. It was warm and lovely. Now I’m ready for bed. Oh, by the way, V talked to me! I didn’t get to see the senior play, but I don’t care. This is fun; I love it! I’ve met so many new girls. I give up! G’night!
P.S. I love George!
Kiddo 2 has acquired part one of his orthodontic hardware, much to his initial dismay. The inconvenience and the feeling of looking/sounding different overwhelmed him at first. But two days later, he has bounced back, in true Kiddo fashion. He is very intense, and often has a “hot” initial reaction to difficulty, but once that’s over, he adjusts quickly.
Once more I face a busy weekend, with “Brownies are Girl Scouts, Too”, Kiddo 1’s All-State try-out, and the church craft show. But at least we have a break from teaching About Your Sexuality.
My “baby” turned seventeen yesterday. He seems older than that. Having had to awaken to his own vulnerability at an age when he should have felt immortal, he became an adult before his time. Like a tree shedding its leaves under stress, he somehow fast-forwarded through adolescence. On the one hand, it’s too bad he had to do it. On the other hand, he did it so beautifully. He had grown into such a fine person - someone who can be trusted, someone who cares about people, someone who knows that life can be absurdly funny, and isn’t afraid to laugh when it is, even when it seems like the joke is on him. So what if he’s prickly sometimes. So he leaves trail of socks around the house. He’s a decent, intelligent, competent young man.
Comment 2023
Don’t know about the sock trail, but the rest is still true.
Early on the road today, meeting an old friend for coffee. I am feeling very tender and forgiving towards them, for all their childishness, their ego, their tone deafness, they can also be kind and caring on an amazing level.
Comment 2023
It wasn’t enough. I am not going into detail, but let’s just say I am keeping the memories but am no longer in touch.
That was a very good Saturday. I finished making the cover for the piano bench. I made gingerbread and shared it with my neighbors. I swam. I talked coding with Grandkiddo 2 It was lovely.
I am singing with two choral groups this fall. One is an Early Music ensemble; the other is a “rock” group for seniors. “Rock” is in quotes because it’s a mix of genres from the 50s on. (Is Virtual Insanity rock? I do not think so.) So far I have succeeded in acquiring some new earworms to replace my old ones, and I am learning to read bass clef notation, since I am singing tenor with the rock ensemble. The downside: I can’t knit and sing at the same time.