November 2
I can't put into words what it is like to catch a glimpse of my long ago self through someone else's memory.
Here’s an idea: Don’t have more children than you time for.
Next week it’s off to a conference, a short stint of lots of work and little leisure, but at my schedule will be different. I should start talking up the trip to Kiddo so she’s ready for my absence.
At anyrate, things are going pretty smoothly. I wish ____ could undergo a personality transplant, but…
Life real is very well rounded right now. Satisfying and full. And the weather finally turned cold. Ah, comfort.1986
November already! Time just marches along. I am now 35 weeks pregnant. Last night I had another “practice” labor session, kind of slumbering between contractions. Wait, wait, Kiddo. Another 23 days would be fine. Just stay in there and grow. Any time after 2 pm on November 25 (the day I hand back their papers) would be fine.
Mom was here again this weekend; not so bad in some ways. She didn’t nag about not login back to the hospital. But she was more visibly depressed and frail than she was two weeks ago. I worry about his physical health as much as her mental health.
Kiddo 1 had a busy weekend, culminating in a Raffi concert downtown. She was so excited she actually turned a bit rebellious on us at bedtime. A not unusual pattern these days. The “Your 4-year-old book” warned me about some of this at 4 1/2. So she’s quite normal.
Well, time to go to bed. Sleep’s been at a premium lately. So I try to get an early start and also nap when I get a change.
Comment 2023
Did y’all know that Raffi is still rocking and is on Threads?
What a day! I wrote for nearly three hours, fueled by twice as much coffee as usual, made another new acquaintance, and viewed another reel of old microfilm. But that wasn't the best part. The best part was sitting with Sharon, my classmate from second and third grade, and just talking and listening. She's still working part time at an elementary school, a job she loves. She actually left North Platte for a few years after community college, working in Denver before returning to get married. Her husband never wanted to leave, but she misses Denver. She's had her challenges; an aneurysm several years ago, a daughter with MS. But when we talked about school memories, her blue eyes sparkled, and we laughed together. She filled in some holes in my memory, and I tried to return the favor.
Best of all, she remembered me, and told a story I had forgotten. She said she always remembered when I came to school with new shoes and said, "Look how fast I can run in these Buster Brown shoes!" and proceeded to run around the playground at top speed, and then do it again. Apparently it was the talk of my McKinley Elementary classmates long after I moved away. I can't put into words what it is like to catch a glimpse of long ago yourself through someone else's memory.
I returned to the motel, and paid for my next week, and the sweet manger, Linda, loaded me up with food.
After enjoying her offering (I skipped lunch -- bad idea), I decided it was the right day to drive north toward the Sand Hills and catch the sunset. The actual Sand Hills are much farther away; maybe I'll get closer on a weekend. Picture rolling prairie dunes covering a quarter of this immense state. For now, be content with this, taken about 20 miles north on Route 83.
Today is Thursday. Jim comes home this afternoon. I am making crockpot chili and trying to pace a very busy day, so limited journaling for now.
And then the election
And then limbo
And then joy!
A sigh.
And back to work.
It’s Shah Rukh Khan Birthday Marathon Day!!! Ready with snacks, beer, and film buddies!
I am attending a two-day symposium downtown, so SRK is getting a birthday week instead. Movies on Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday.