The tapping for Honor Society was today. D was the only soph to get it. Maybe I'll make it next year. School elections are here again. It's Go-Go's vs. Keys.
It snowed today! I slept until 12…a forbidden luxury when Jim is around. Took awhile to get to sleep last night, tho. I felt lonely, Marley was on the prowl, looking for Jim. He’ll be back tomorrow night…can’t wait. I miss him a lot. It makes me wonder how quickly life would get to a normal pace without him. Of course, I’m also lonely because there’s no one here, it being after classes and graduation, everyone’s gone.I’m not really up for going to work, but sitting around wouldn’t be much fun, either. I hope we are busy enough tonight to keep moving. I can’t remember what last Thursday was like, or even where I was in the dining room. Now that I know that I’m leaving, the job is chafing me.
Comment 2023
Yes, snow in May. Yay, Syracuse. Two years of waitressing was enough for me, and I was ready to move on, just not sure where.
(Notes from NSP conference on Spiritual Activism)
Joan Chittister - Culture and Spirituality
Spiritual responses to culture: Intellectual (credal, maintaining orthodoxy), relational (comfort the oppressed, but does not address the oppression), performative (reformers)
Peter Gabel - What is the problem?
Addiction to media culture as a distraction.
fear of rejection, humiliation
the Right appeals to fear and longing with images of family, nation and God
The Daily Show helps me maintain my moral presence.
Why do liberals fail to see the moral purpose of education? Why do liberals avoid articulating the moral underpinnings of politics?
Comment 2023
Too many notes to transcribe, so I just copied the ones that were the most coherent. In 2004 I was clearly still in teaching/scholarship of teaching and learning mode, not shifting back to gender and fashion yet.
This is NSP: Network of Spiritual Progressives
2010 Twitter
Seriously considering offering a course called "Star Pupil". I get to vote off slackers every week. Only survivors get an A.
2012 Facebook
Warning to fans who hate hearing about pop icons dying: when the Boomers start croaking, it will feel like a tsunami.
2015 Facebook
Grades haven't even been submitted and already the wailing has commenced.
2019 Bullet Journal
Zotero complete
Target run (make list)
Swim! HA! HA! HA!
Whole Foods (gluten free cupcakes, dairy-free ice cream)
30 minutes of costumes (1956 start)
The Target run took too long and then there was a nap. But Burton’s was grand and I am maybe getting into DS9.
Comment 2023
DS9? 059? D59? Stupid handwriting.
I was making preparations for my big 7-0 birthday. Cake, Ice Cream and a clown/juggler. (One of my trivia buddies was a graduate of Clown College, so I could fulfill my childhood birthday party fantasy!)
2020 Facebook
Just when you think you can have a "new normal", the "new normal" breaks.
2021 Facebook
Rhubarb rhubarb
a greedy person / buys all the rhubarb in the store / and eats the whole pie.
Comment 2023
Wow, this set of entries really reminds me of all the times I really had no clue what I was supposed to be doing, or how to do it. My high school grades were good, but not good enough for Honor Society in my first year of eligibility. I eventually graduated third in my class, and was in the third honors tier when I graduated from college (cum laude, not magna or summa). A perpetual also-ran for years. Tried theater costuming, but sucked at it. Worked in retail for a year, bored out of my skull. The scholarship of teaching and learning phase was interesting and energizing, but Research I universities really don’t care whether you are a great teacher.
But you know? It’s fine. I did some good stuff and had a great time doing it. Except for the grading, of course.
*D*eep *S*pace *9*?
And thanks for the career reflection. I've been on a five year process of accepting where I'm at — good at secure government job, but not necessarily great. Accepting less than the best feels like settling, but I look at the cost of greatness (in a divorce ridden industry like architecture) and F' that.
Grading? Isn’t that what TAs are for? (Yup, I got that grand job during my grad school career.j