Friday - fabulous Friday! Phys Ed and the last day of school in the week! Guess what!! Those rat-finks are having rehearsal Tomorrow - SATURDAY! Are they crazy? Hah!! I've got to go, though.
The DAT's today were computational and verbal reasoning. they were a lot of fun. That leaves the abstract and clerical for Monday.
By the way - I'm trying to give up V.
Comment 2023
Yeah, sure. And next you are going to flap your arms and fly to the moon.
March already! Work is getting busier and busier. So far I’m keeping up (I think). It was especially pleasing to:
Get the Signs article in the mail
Get the quilts article to the typist
Get an encouraging response from Popular Culture Press about my book on children’s clothing
Have all the new accession numbers entered on the computer
Walk home every night with a completed to-do list, to spend the evening doing whatever I want
It’s a monthly update, not a journal, dispute my best intentions. Today was my first walkabout in months. Didn’t decide where to go until I was on the Metro, and ended up in Rockville. It was totally uncharted territory - - new shops and eateries. The best parts: the new Rockville library and a 10,000 villages. I had too much lunch at a Gordon Biersch. Took a whole bunch of photos at the latest simplicity books at the library. Not sure what I will do with that information. I wish I were retired.
Take a breath, girl! It’s almost time.
I had coffee with a friend and did several short meditations. I am thinking about letting go of the book, or at least the deadline. Just write whatever. I have graduated from my heart. (Thank you, autocorrect, I think. I had to write it down and think about it.)
Comment 2024
I still have no idea what it means.
Oh, it was a busy week. Lots of writing. Lots of procrastination. La di da. Another week is coming. Thank God.
Some days I like to imagine that everything on this page happened in the same week. On Friday, I gave up on my secret crush. On Saturday, I threw myself into my work, trying to forget him. I succeeded, and walked home to my husband. The next day I wandered aimlessly in a nearly town, looking for answers to my existential questions. Perhaps, I thought, mindfulness would help, so I tried a few guided meditations. The book was on my mind. Sometimes it wanted to be written; sometimes, it didn’t.
Everything that has happened or ever will happen occurs at the instant of creation. I think I learned that concept from Milton.