March 24, 1965
Back to the old drag!! Rehearsal tonight - dress rehearsal - until 10:30. Mike R, who plays the piano, quit. He was stuck up, but he was good! C, another pianist, is insisting that we use the grand because the upright "doesn't do him justice".
Yes I saw V. He's nice.
March 24, 2006
Again, I blush at my ignorance at 15. Of course the grand piano would be better for a recital than an upright. I am so sorry, C, if you are out there.
Ah, and two other comments. The horizontal underline ("nice") does not begin to replicate the swirly exuberance of the original. And the following fall, Mike R would be dead, accidentally shot by his best friend while hunting in the woods near his house.
March 24, 2023