March 20, 1965
It's the first day of spring! (By the way, we had about 5 inches of snow today.) My back hurts like anything. I don't think I have a chance with V. I hear he's a very devout Catholic and so would never get involved with a Protestant. Pity! I'd better concentrate on something else besides him. Maybe next year a nice Episcopal boy will move here. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Meanwhile, I'm falling in love, I think.
March 20, 1997
Well, Sarah, excuse me if I can’t buy into “finding my authentic beauty” as part of my Simple Abundance (TM) journey. Who am I supposed to be pleasing? The reason that what goes on inside is more important is that my internal self is visible to be at all times. My external self is only visible to me when I look in the mirror. (I do that to see how look to others.) I think that being clean, neat, and comfortable in 90% of the art of dressing. The last 10% is play: the fun of colors, accessories and adorable details that liven up the whole process.
So there.
March 20, 2006
True story: a few years ago, I mentioned to some of my students that my parents had originally objected to my "mixed marriage", and one of them thought that meant I'd married a woman. She couldn't imagine anyone objecting to "two Christians getting married".
March 20, 2023
This morning, I finished and submitted our taxes, instead of writing. Five hours I will never get back. Then I dropped into 1965, 1997, and 2006, and found nothing to inspire my tax-numbed brain. Thumbed through another journal: 1985. And there I learned that we moved into our last two homes on the same day: March 19, 1985, and March 19, 2020. So many changes in those 35 years! From parents of a two-year-old to empty nesters with two grandchildren. From workers to retirees. From us and a U-Haul to watching a moving company do all the work. From a four-bedroom house to a four-room apartment. From Reagan to Biden. From Betamax to streaming. From an Apple IIe to a computer in my hand. It is mind-boggling to contemplate all that had happened in those thirty-five trips around the sun.
My clothing philosophy, however, has not changed. I particularly believe that when it comes to accessories, life is too short not to buy red shoes when they have cute ones in my size.
Interesting thoughts nicely explored