H. says what I should do now is smile and say "hi" to V when I see him. Also, she wants me to go to a CYO dance sometime because he always goes to them.
The Shakespeare theater came today. They did two scenes from "Julius Caesar" and one from "Twelfth Night". I liked the latter better. It was funny! This group of 3 men and two women come once a year and are always good!! Can't wait 'til next year.
Comment 2006
1. Why was I taking advice from H? She was a nice person, but she had no more of a social life than I did.
2. I never did get to a CYO dance, despite months of scheming and planning. My dad's objection was to the idea of a girl going stag to any dance. My mother was uneasy about my having a Catholic boyfriend.
Comment 2023
So I married nice Italian lapsed Catholic guy and we both became Unitarian Universalists, pissing off both our mothers.
I cut my hair. It was my last link with Juan, because he loved my hair so much. It looks good- better than before, I guess. Long hair is nice, but if it isn’t set, forget it!
Marcia says that a lot of the Canterbury School boys would like to meet me. They are on vacation now, for two more weeks.
I just realized. Maybe Raul was the one, not Juan. He seemed interested. I hope I didn’t hurt him by hanging around Juan. Perhaps, being more mature than Juan, he realized that nothing would come if it, since I live in another country. Oh, Raul - I did like him better!
We are 99% moved in and 80% unpacked. There is a lot to do. Everywhere we look there’s something to do. But already there are pleasant corners of the house. Kiddo is unpacked, of course. The living room is unpacked. The den needs to be organized, but is essentially unpacked. The kitchen, dining room, and office remains, but only the kitchen is crucial.
Right now top priority is sleep. Rest! Then go back and clean the old house, and finish unpacking here. Then look around for more to do. There will be no trouble finding something.
I try not to be so sure I’m pregnant…it could be just a fluke. Period due March 26 or 27.
My mind keeps running ahead to this weekend and the Women’s Retreat. This is something I really treasure. It is particularly good this year that it comes as spring break begins. That sets the tone for a pause in the routine. Next week I am off to San Antonio for the Popular Culture meeting with Kiddo 2, which will be fun.
Comment 2024
As each kid turned ten, they got to come with me to a professional meeting. The stars aligned in such a way that they each got to visit San Antonio!
2020 (Facebook)
So we moved today. I can’t say it was completely painless; my lower back says otherwise. But we are sitting in our new living room, with all the books, cds and LPs on their shelves, food in the fridge, the bed all made, and Wynton Marsalis on the CD player. Bonus: ginger ale from dinner + Sangfroid rye whisky. A new chapter begins.
2020 (journal)
And then we moved. I only get sentimental - - and really, only a little - - when I look back at the memories created in that house. But the memories aren’t in the house; they are in me, and in the minds and hearts of family and friends who shared that house with us over the last 35 years. Now, we are in a new place, with new memories to make. It’s fine. I am very content.
Comment 2024
Thanks to this project, today I learned that we moved to new home on March 19 TWICE!