V showed up again at rehearsal this afternoon.
I was right! We did start tumbling in gym. I hurt my back, I think, doing a human arch. I sat at K's tonight and got $1.50. They want me to sit for them on March 31, too, when they go to see the Navy Band. I said I would, since I couldn't get tickets.
Comment 2023
Not a human arch, but a backbend, also the Chakrasana in yoga. It’s considered a Level 2 skill in gymnastics, not a thing you do the first day with no warm up. But then again, our teacher “taught” gymnastics by giving us an illustrated booklet and letting us try stuff. Field hockey was more her thing.
Only five more nights in this house. Only a few times have I felt so sad about moving. The place has been - and still is- a delight. The yard, the trees, the woods across the road, the light pouring in the windows. It is such a homey little place and I will miss it. We’ve lived here longer than any other in our married lives - five years. I came here as a graduate student with a nice old dog and I’m leaving here an almost-tenured professor with a nearly 3-year old child. Oddly enough, when I start to feel nostalgic about this house, I think of Marley. Maybe it’s leaving the place where she died, or the memories of the sadness after her death.

Oh my, if I feel this way, what does Kiddo feel? Today she was very good, most of the time. The move has her unsettled, I know. Me too!
I am over-scheduled. I need to learn to say NO. no No NO. I need to drop some activities. Otherwise, I’ll be at meetings every night and busy with little projects that I don’t like. Phooey on that. But what do I drop?
(Here follows a page of my commitments - 40 hours a month! - and a plan to drop down to “only” 34.)
It is hard to believe that I have made it two and a half months with my new routine, almost to Spring Break. Am I behind in my work? Yes, as always. But no farther behind than I was when I didn’t make the time each morning for exercise and reflection. My next reward/purchase is the Jane Fonda low-impact tape.
Today was the middle school guidance tea. Kiddo 2 seems to be doing very well and is a joy in all his classes. His afternoon classes seem to be the slowest ones; maybe that’s his down time. That makes two of us. It amazes me that my prickly little boy is turning out so mellow.
I got a new solitaire game yesterday that turned into a time sink of massive proportions. Also completely unwinnable.
I need to consider how to spend my remaining weeks on sabbatical. Seriously.
Living in four sun-filled rooms again, in our little apartment, has been like coming home again. Current commitment count for March 2024: about 20. Ahhhhh.