Connie and Jack have left. I am, as usual, exhausted from their visit. It was the greatest yet, from the Dresden show at the new East Wing of the National Gallery, to lunch at Patent Pending, it was just tops. The weather’s been good, so has the food and conversation. They are even talking about looking for work here.
But now it’s time to get back to my fresh routine! Exercise!! Practice piano!! Keep house!! Think!! Work hard!!
Comment 2023
They moved to Westchester. Boo.
What does our bedroom need? A comfortable bed, for starters. Things to put reading material in, not on, next to the bed. An easy chair where I can sit and read, or write, or think. The colors are perfect, and I love the ceiling fan and the comforter.
(I included a floor plan, showing an area for my sewing machine and dulcimer.)
Comment 2023
Comfy bed, check.
Bookcase, check.
A rocking chair will do.
Sewing machine in the closet, sometimes on the dining room table.
Dulcimer traded for a nice recorder for Jim.
Don’t miss the fan.
The CSA meeting was excellent, in every way. I am really coming to closure on the BOOK, and may even have a new publisher (potentially).
Yesterday was strange - I spent the morning puttering while the air conditioning guy check our system. By 12:20 I was sleepy and wandering around. How aimless I felt! So I took a long nap, in which Mom took a large role. I felt a mix of joy and discomfort at seeing her. It was wonderful seeing her again (and it was a very vivid dream) but the fact that it was just a dream never left my mind.
Accomplishments a year from now.
Childrens costume book in press or in print.
“Stitch” project under consideration by a publisher.
unisex article done
hair article done
60 books/articles read (AMST 601 list, Material Culture list)
Web Initiative in Teaching project complete and ready to teach summer 1999.
Comment 2023
Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, yep.
Officially a Very Fine Day. Even with the volunteer thing taking too long, the rest of the day was excellent. Fun book group discussing The Alice Network. No nap, though.
Appreciation Day at church: thanking volunteers and staff. I am the unofficial chair of the nonexistent Committee on Adhockery. I generally avoid committees, but if there’s a thing that needs to happen, I sometimes just do it. I’ve done a few things this year in my congregation, all under the radar, just the way I like it. A friend asked if I wanted to be “appreciated”. Now, appreciation came with a small bag of homemade cookies, and that would be nice. But if a task is big enough to be noticed and appreciated, it has away of becoming a committee, and I would not like that.
So no, I’ll just keep ad hocking my way around the community.
Last year the local markets were awash in rhubarb and I froze vast quantities. This year I need to make a pie for a friend by Friday and there is NO RHUBARB to be found. Who bought all my rhubarb!!!!!!
My plan for today: shop until I find some, then buy it all.
I once thought about volunteering for an architectural competition for high school students. The committee was made up of corporate architects while I came from a small firm. I quit after the second meeting when every question was pushed out to another subcommittee meeting.
Well, I'm thanking you for the many things you do and have done for our community, under the radar or not! Especially the UUCSS history project! And the choir (not scarves--can't think of the word).