I went shopping and got some sandals and shoes, and looked for a swim suit.
If I only wrote more often!
Teaching was most enjoyable, and I learned a lot doing it. It was also a long haul, and I still get tired just thinking about it. Now I have a good friend - Heather - and the Watson House Quilt is coming along.
Comment 2023
Watson House was a small farmhouse on the University Rhode Island campus. During the lead up to the Bicentennial it was used as a modest “living history” site, with a few of us grad students from the textiles department demonstrating carding, spinning, weaving, and quilting. I designed a quilt that was used for many years there, and then returned to me sometime in the 1990s. It was marvelous seeing all those stitches made by visiting school children.
Boy, was a I a good girl yesterday. I went to bed thinking about my bee-sting (got stung by a bee on Saturday) and woke up and wrote an essay about it. It read good, so I sent it to the newspaper. Who knows, it was a little on the sappy side, like me. But I wrote! And then I took notes on Chinese and Native American clothing, so I’m ready to go back to the library.
Cut my hair on Saturday, too.
Comment 2023
The Providence Journal published my sappy little essay and paid me $50 for it, with which I bought an awesome pair of Frye boots!
Two very good days – – sunny, cool and invigorating. I've been able to get a lot done and enjoy myself as well. This regimen of self discipline and plan of leisure has been working well – – I hate to even mention it, since none of it is habitual yet, and I can always collapse.
I keep wondering if I am finally mature, or at least mature enough to be able to be proud of myself most of the time, not excruciatingly embarrassed
more measurements
This really is irritating… But I suppose I can't expect instant results.
Happy birthday, Edvard Grieg!
Of all the tasks listed yesterday, I did not do:
Dr’s appointment for myself
Library work
Reservation for Kiddo 1 July 6-15
Hmmmm, why not? In the case if the library work, it’s because I really don’t know what I need to do. In the case of the other stuff, it’s because I hate using the phone. Excuses!
Here is what I need to do this summer and for the next few years:
{Three pages of planning follows}
What a laugh! If I really manage to get that much research done , I’ll be thrilled.
Comment 2023
Spoiler: I didn’t.
Back to Europe again! This time I got my wish and am taking Jim and the kiddos. We are off to Sweden and Denmark. Two wonderful weeks with my family, exploring a new country!
I kind of slowed down by the end of the week, but still got quite a bit done. My major (stupid) slip was playing Tetris until 3:30 Saturday morning. Also, I am looking for ways to take time off every week. There is no rule that I have to work seven days a week. In fact I am better off if I don't! My great weight management scheme didn't result in any change this week, so I will intensify it this week and keep working for a scheme I can stick to!
The summer is slipping by, as usual. I am getting lots of little important things done, but not much on the BIG important things.
I sent off two abstracts for fall meetings, one in DC and one in Baltimore. My heart longs for travel and mountains, but it’s not to be, at least not this summer. Today is a CHASA day. HA, ha CHASA and shoes!!
Comment 2023
What’s so funny about the Chesapeake American Studies Association? Or shoes?
I finished Anjam. In the last ten days, I also saw Baazigar, the entire Fauji series, Chalte, Chalte, and Yes, Boss. Anjam! An entire negative role for SRK, from start to finish a spoiled brat. His only good points are his pretty-boy looks (except that sneer!) and his dance moves. The real star is Madhuri Dixit, who is quickly becoming my favorite actress. I wouldn’t date Ajay (SRK’s character) but I am eager to see them paired again! I also watched Koyla (in which SRK has a long stretch with no dialog. Which ok, because he can act with his face and body just fine. In fact, I was struck in Chalte, Chalte how theatrical some of his scenes were. Not as in “overacting” but as in “acting for a live audience”. There are no closeups on stages. The folks in the back row must understand your emotions via voice and body language. Posture, for example. The person’s walk. Try watching SRK with the sound off. Maybe that’s why Salman Khan has never been as big a fav with me. He is likable enough, and I don’t dislike him. But he is acting for the camera, not the audience. I could get in real trouble with this! The Salman Khan fans are a passionate bunch.
I think I will leave more space on the page for Tarot.
3 of swords. There’s some drama going on, but I am not engaged in it.
Isn’t that usually true? I pick my battles carefully most of the time. “Not my circus, not my monkeys.”
Grandkiddo day today. Maybe we can do something other than watch videos! I feel like “bad Grandma” doing that. So many little tasks to do today. Calls, credit card account stuff. I work up tired after a dream of packing for a trip. So glad the Unilever thing didn’t happen. The money would have been good, but the ethics were iffy.
Comment 2023
I wish I remembered what the “Unilever” thing was.
In case it isn’t obvious, I was still in my Shah Rukh Khan obsessive phase. Having watched all of his films, then all of his films in chronological order, I was watching his romantic films with an eye towards his chemistry with various actresses. There is a spread sheet, and a series of blog posts, “First Dates with SRK”.
In ten hours, I will be on the overnight train from DC to Boston, on my way to Star Island. Supposedly, my posts for the next three weeks are all scheduled, but who knows?