1966 (Mexico)
Went to the beauty salon today - it didn’t work. She teased my hair very high, and sprayed it with something that smelled like sweet wine. Ugh.
In the afternoon I went to school, but was so depressed that Sr. C let me skip Constitution class.
Didn’t go to Club, didn’t see Antonio, did not pass Go, did not collect $200.
The first few days at the Smithsonian have glided by, almost as if I dreamed it all. I am working, getting things done, and, best of all, enjoying myself. The ride downtown gives me time to read. Thursday I re-read To Kill a Mockingbird and Friday I started Fred Expels A Fan’s Notes. It’s a sad, funny book. I wonder how much of my sadness comes from having known him (slightly) in the Thousand Islands. We warmed neighboring bar stools many a night. Now that I have a glimpse into his head, I wonder what he thought of it all - - the theater, our annoying managing director, even (egotistically) me.
That summer would make a nifty book, properly altered so as not to get sued. There’s the baby, “So What?”, our dog barfing on on the stage, out dog barking at the stage, 4th of July at the Old World Inn, Kevin collapsing, Nixon’s resignation, all that stuff. And Fred Exley at the other end of the bar. Each section could be a play. (If I still have the program. I wonder how much of a diary I kept that summer…probably not much. Could always invent.)
Only I should change the name - - T*I*T*F? Thousand Islands Theater Festival
Tinsel and Glamor?
I could combine the two seasons we were there.
“Would you like to look at my teeth?”
Maybe part time waitressing and part time costuming.
An affair with a co-worker sharing our cabin.
How do you write a book?
On paper? Typewriter?
Comment, 2023
I actually did make a stab at a fictionalized version of our two summers in Alexandria Bay, NY. It’s four 8x5” pages in the same diary. Look for it tomorrow as a bonus post.
On of my problems is to set goals for myself. Oh, I have BIG goals, like writing things. But what do I get done? The little, short-term things that are already planned in bite-sized pieces. Maybe that’s not procrastination; maybe that’s a clear to how to accomplish my big goals. If I see them as a progression of little steps, I should be able to work out a useful work schedule. I think of allocating certain amounts of time to each task and I wonder if I won’t feel too restricted after a while? But maybe that would be good for me. After all, once upon a time, I managed to perform within stricter time frames. Certainly my affinity for the academic job is partially because I like the flexibility. But can’t I translate that into some kind of regulated, yet not permanent schedule. Nine-to-five today doesn’t mean I can’t go to a museum tomorrow. {Three pages of “planning” follows.}
Now to expand this plan into a real, more specific schedule.
Comment 2023
“The little, short-term things that are already planned in bite-sized pieces. Maybe that’s not procrastination; maybe that’s a clear to how to accomplish my big goals”
My workshop starts today! As always, my mind is already ahead, planning for next year’s workshops. I hate to admit it, but I’ve always found planning more engaging than execution. Not unusual, I guess.
Once more, I find myself wondering what I want out of life. Lots of planning, with someone else doing the execution. Well, not all the time. But I do enjoy changing, panning, innovating, doing new things…doing old things new ways. If only I could think of ways to change the History Textiles course more often. The basic structure is sound, but the course is getting stagnant.
I also want more family time- - like we had this weekend. Unhurried, unpressured, no guilt hanging over me. I can see that the last two years of trying to work at home with Kiddo has been a gradual failure. It was a time either to put her in day care more and get ore work done or just bag it and spend the time at home not trying to do work. Especially since Kiddo stopped napping last year. In stead, I have spent the time - especially the last year - being cranky and frustrated. Parenthood, I am finding, is full of lessons.
T-shirt wisdom I saw the other day:
A life’s work is life itself.
Ain’t it the truth!
A happy body and an empty mind. That’s where I start today. I am fed, caffeinated, exercised and showered. I am wearing comfortable shorts and a favorite soft T-shirt. I have lotion on my elbows and nothing at all on my feet. It is 10:55 and I am ready to begin my mind work.
Thank you, Mom, for the example of your life. It took me years to wake up to the power of order and discipline, of quiet times I the day. But you were right.
Sitting in the back yard at the end of another 100 degree day. The last week has been brutal, beginning with the derecho Friday night, a two-day power outage for us (longer, for many others) and the usual oppressive humidity.
The sprinkler is going, watering not only the “lawn”, but the branches of the oak trees near the fence. I discovered last night that an evening sprinkle attracts hot, thirsty birds. I’m happy to provide a little comfort to them. Tonight it’s been a few robins, but last night I also saw a flicker, a downy woodpecker, cardinals, a starling, a catbird, several kinds of sparrows, chickadees, and (I think) a wren. The robins stayed on the ground, but the others gathered in the branches and even fluttered in the leaves, as if taking a shower.
As is often the case, I am slightly overcommitted for summer. It would be fine with no book work, but I now have a NEW contract. Plus the talk at NOW, plus the Chinese students, plus the consulting gig at SUNY Potsdam, plus revising my fall courses. But it’s all good. About two months until classes start, and all work I enjoy. So no complaints.
So much rain! It feels like September, somehow. Time is meaningless since I’ve retired. Seasons have replaced semesters. I am inhabiting a new reality, and I love it.
We watched the Women’s World Cup final yesterday, half at Franklin’s and half at home. Friday we were at Franklin’s for the first time with Kiddo 2 and GF since before our travels. Kiddo 1 and family were here yesterday. So it was a nice family weekend, very low-key. (Though I did make scones on Saturday and chicken and grapes on Sunday.
So we have moved from the usual end-of-semester crush to the the ever-popular July relax/work/relax/work dance. Bird-watching evidently helps.
Watched “What’s Up, Doc?” yesterday. Definitely still hilarious. I miss Madeline Kahn.