1966 (Mexico)
Dad called today! I was so worried! They called yesterday which I was at school and I was worried. But it was THEY that were worried! They haven’t heard from me in 3 weeks, because of the airline strike. So they called.
Didn’t go to club. Didn’t do nuthiing. (Sic)
Raul and I sat up, talking, until 12:40. Urg. He’s nice tho, so it was worth it. I don’t know who I like better: Juan or Raul. Anyway, they’re just friends, and two of the finest friends I’ve ever met. I can’t bear to leave them. The way I felt about Juan was natural, under the circumstances. But that feeling has worn off now, I hope. I like Juan. I like Raul, too.
Comment 2023
Oh, honey…
1976 (Rhode Island)
We’re packing, a bit at a time. The books are nearly done, so the place is starting to look empty. But the reality of it all is starting to sink in. We are really moving; I am really going to have a career-type job. It’s exciting, stimulating and also very tiring. (VERY)
The past is always very strong when we are moving. There are things we only look at when we move, and they always seem more faded, more worn, dustier.
1984 (Norway)
The Congress ends tomorrow. Then I have two days of sightseeing before I return home. By then I may be familiar with Oslo. Too late! I have actually done fairly well at seeing things between and around the meeting. The meeting has gone pretty well, too. I almost (!) feel bad about skipping some of the sessions to see the city. But then, I’ll never go here again, in all likelihood. It was another marvelous day today.The weather here is like September in DC at its best: cool, clear, with a little warmth at midday and a crisp chill at night.
My head is full of fluff, and my to-do list is completely uninspiring. It doesn’t help to think, “What would one of my heroes do?” Because in my imagination they have no dull tasks, or they delegate them all. I have no minions, so I must do all the boring stuff myself. And it is boring stuff, standing between myself and sweet freedom. Isn’t that motivation enough? My lists are failing me. I don’t even need to look at them. I know what is on those lists.
I can make a list of the FUN I am postponing. There’s scone-making (waiting for the fridge to be fixed). Sewing (waiting for inspiration). Pop-up art (waiting for inspiration). Origami. Exercise. Watching movies.
I think I am thrown by having Jim home and in a holding pattern. It’s messing with my routine. That, and staying up late for the political conventions. 12:30 last night, and then slept until 8 am. This will not do!
On the plus side, I have contacted the Nebraska Democrats to volunteer. And my mind drifted off to an imaginary conversation in North Platte. I wonder who I would be, if we hadn’t moved away in 1957? Dad was a Democrat, Mom a Republican. They both held pretty typical views of “others”. Mom was distrustful of Catholics and Jews, condescending to Black people, attentive to differences in awkward ways. (“My Black friend so-and-so”, knowing which movie stars were Jewish.) Dad was outwardly more accepting, which I believe was sincere, but was not above enjoying a racist or anti-semitic joke. He admired many Black musicians and athletes - worshipped Satchel Page. But he clearly also had his prejudices. Some were religious, as he was leery of religious zealotry in general. He was also incredibly sexist.
Comment 2023
That question was the beginning of an interesting adventure that fall. I was scheduled to retire in June 2017, and the University still “owed” me one last sabbatical leave. So I spent nearly a month that fall in my girlhood home, trying to figure out “who I would be, if we hadn’t moved away”.