1966 (Mexico City)
The fiesta was fun! I got back at 2:30 AM!
But I’ll start at the beginning. I helped Pati, Marta and two others fix the food and stuff. Juan #2 came in the afternoon - handsome as usual. I don’t think I like him as much as I thought. He’s too old. Juan #1 is nicer, too.
I got my two margaritas - 75 cents - and we left for the fiesta at 9:30. When we got here, the lights wouldn’t go on - no fuses. After half an hour they went on. Although 99 44/100% of the boys were attentive, I only danced with two. The first one introduced me to his friend, with whom I spent the rest of the fiesta.
NAME: Alvaro
HEIGHT: about 5’11” or 6’
HAIR: brown
AGE: 21
OCCUPATION: student (philosophy)
When we went outside to cool off, he kept his hands to himself - thank heaven. He did put his arm around me, but no more. I told him how I felt about such things.
He said I was beautiful.
He said he’d call me.
He said he wanted to visit me.
But the margarita said not to trust him.
Comment 2023
Don’t get excited. A margarita is just a daisy. “How I felt about such things” was terrified, but I didn’t tell him that. The minimal sex education I had was just enough to make me extremely wary of intimacy, even the tamest kind. My experience with boys was, shall we say, extremely limited. Suddenly being the belle of the ball, apparently just because I was a foreigner, was a little thrilling and very, very scary.
Three more days and I leave for Norway. Incredible! The weather here has been awful in the last few days, after a very brief break. July and August really are the pits in this area. Next year we go away in August. (Ha)
Also, every summer seems to be a rough time for Kiddo. 1982 she was a newborn and I was pooped. Last summer she was clingy. This summer it’s temper tantrums and toilet training. I don’t think I learned anything from last summer. This summer I have chopped up my time too much (Georgia, Norway). I set unrealistic goals. I never get to the library to do research. Teaching first summer session seems to be poop, too. Read this and reflect, summer 1985 Jo!
Two weeks after amnio. I guess this is what it’s like around your due date. I feel very anticipatory, frustrated that I am unable to do anything about it except wait. Tonight I went shopping and did my feet hurt! Still do. Well, it’s time for bed and a good night’s sleep. At least it’s cooling off, even if it does proceed to get DAMP. I’ll survive this.
Comment 2023
I still don’t know what it’s like to be still pregnant close to your due date; both kids came early. I asked my OBGYN for a discount, and he just laughed.
The pollution continues, forcing us to stay indoors. But I am enjoying the visit with Jack, Kiddo2 and W are savoring each other’s company. They are all going to the movies this afternoon, which will give me some productive time, and besides, the crush is off.
I am not getting everything done, but I am getting some things done, and feeling joyful and relaxed. The family (including the dogs) went for a walk to Lake Artemesia last night. Though it was damp and muggy, it was a refreshing walk. (The dogs were happy but exhausted.) I think Suzy and I should walk regularly. Much as I tease her roundness, she is not the only one.
I also cleared a bit in the garden yesterday, which was very difficult. The soil here is full of clay; it tends to pack down and turn to brick. Horrible stuff! So I do what I can to lighten the soil. This evening I will add some potting soil and vermiculite to it. I would very much like a composter! I am also starting to fantasize about the area beyond the deck, which could be a patio.
Comment 2023
Of all the things I share, posts about my weight bother me the most. I omit things about others that would be hurtful, but I want to be honest about my own experiences, not the least with myself. My fretting about my weight dates back to the same era as my struggles with time and “productivity”. Trying to fix those two aspects of myself is not unique. Judging by the ubiquity of books and products designed to help us lose weight and “get things done”, I have lots of company.
Can I just vote now and go into suspended animation until it’s over?