Boy, am I pooped! I'm glad I didn't stay at the pajama party. We had to load 20 tons of newspapers. I ache all over! We also had elections. There were 3 of my program aides from camp - Jinx, Moby and Sneezie. Sneezie is a lot nicer than she was at camp. Poor Bob had to wait 4 1/2 hours for me. He wasn't too mad. He should have been.
Comment 2006
Ah, yes, camp names! It was a Girl Scout tradition for campus staff to have nicknames, usually keeping their real names secret from the campers. I was pretty upset when my daughter went to camp in the 1980s and EVERYONE had a camp name!
Evidently the Senior Planning Board meeting involved more than I has bargained for -- namely loading newspapers into a truck trailer for recycling. So instead if a morning meeting, it was an all-day production. Oddly enough, I still have fond memories of that day, and the chance to see the camp aides again. (Aides were only a little older than the oldest campers, so they were both peers and role models, usually truly cool people.)
Yesterday was a real “I hate Mondays” Monday. Marley got a marrow bone jammed over her front lower canines and it wouldn’t come off. After a quick (and successful) trip to the vet, I arrived at my office to find that the room had been broken into. Ann’s slide projector and about $5000 worth of textiles were stolen. I know that recovery is possible, but it seems remote.
So I got very little accomplished. Luckily I was a good little apprentice professor and got lots done over the weekend, so I am still ahead of the game.
The class would probably appreciate getting outlines of each lecture, if I had the time. Maybe.
Another Brownie night. I’m really interested in moving into Juniors next year, if I can keep the same co-leaders. Working with Julia and Jeanne would be fun, and I’d hate to not be with Kiddo 1. I trust that leaders for the younger Brownies will emerge from the remaining moms.
Comment 2024
And they did! I got to “fly up” with my troop.
Classes start today. I managed to get my exercises done before driving Kiddo 1 to school. There are too many thoughts and worries buzzing in my head right now to “meditate on the goddess within”.She’ll have to wait.
My neck/shoulder is killing me, with a sharp twinge-y pain that feels like a pinched nerve. It is overriding much of my consciousness, or trying to.
Rex wants out.
I have tried several things to ease the pain: stretching, aspirin, heating pad. Sitting in different positions. I took my bra off, because the strap was hurting me. God, I sound like my mother.
Rex wants in.
It is so hard to protect this planning day! I almost veered into doing small discreet tasks instead of taking the time to review the coming week.
I look my project list and am pretty content with my current list of projects and “next actions”. I really don’t need to add anything right now, If anything I need to chip away at the list and make it shorter.
Comment 2024
I have chipped. My current project list is two big things and five little things that don’t interfere with the big things. Musical groups and my art class are someone else’s projects; I just show up and have fun.
Packing list for the coming year
For the journey ahead
I will need supplies.
Sturdy shoes
clean dry socks to prevent blisters
a cozy hat to keep my head warm
layers for cold days and hot.
A good supply of trail mix
some sweetness
some crunchy, salty bits
soothing coconut flakes.
And of course, some company
chatty and quiet
urgent and calm.
A marching song
A spiritual
A lullaby
One step and then another.
Hoping for fresh water every few miles.
Comment 2023
Can you tell I am a life member of the Girl Scouts? It even seeped into a poem I wrote as I embarked on my last semester as a teacher. Be Prepared, that’s me.
I am finally ready to resume posting to my other newsletter. Probably once a week, still free. Let the rejoicing begin.
Or maybe once or twice a month.