It happened again! I wrote a "love note" to V and both Mom and Dad read it. So they tease me - and I hate it! I wish that no one knew again. Tomorrow it's back to school again and I hope I don't see V. He's so awful!! I like him, but I feel it's hopeless. I like him too much, I think. Maybe I should concentrate more on my studies and less on him.
Comment 2023
My Mom was a terrible snoop. Oh, and that terrible feeling of everything crashing down!
Spring is almost in sight. It’s going to be in the low 50s today, and I know it can still be cold and snowy, but that doesn’t obscure the fact that it’s the end of February and spring feels very close. I feel more in control, having corrected all my exams in two nights. The Textile Economics exam yesterday was not very good; I hadn’t studied as much as I should have.
Now I have other things to do, so can’t think about that.
It’s over.
I am in my meditation corner, showered and dressed. The candles are flickering, and a roofer is pounding on the house next door. The Swedish Fiddlers CD is playing, so it’ a truly strange cacophony! It’s Friday morning, I have things to do, and I am almost ready to do them.
I’m in a good place. The spiritual path I have been on since the year opened in helping me stay calm and appreciate my imperfect life.
Physically, I am stronger than I have been in years, and I have less pain, once I am up and moving. I don’t feel so tired and sleep is more restorative.
All in all, I feel like a new person, and one I like.
Go ahead and patch that hole.
It won't hide the torn places.
Bright stitches hide the broken threads
But will not make them whole.
Mending is not forgetting.
But go ahead, my dear, and patch it anyway.
Comment 2024
Another forgotten poem pops up.
I have finally reached a date where “nothing happened”, at least in my nearly 60 years of journaling: February 29!
Lovely poem!