February 10, 1965
February 10, 1965
We went to school an hour late today because the roads were icy. I had to miss gym. Rats! We’ll never get through the year at this pace! We have to go through everything very slowly for the freshmen and just between me and me, it’s a horrible bore! Ah, well, they are a lot of fun even if they are uncoordinated, etc.
February 10, 2023
Yes, I had to increase the font size on my computer just to match the giant all-caps declaration.
In 1965, I was a sophomore, just a year older than those immature, stupid, uncoordinated freshmen in my gym class. Is the age/class divide still a thing in high school? For a girl, just dancing with an underclassman at a sock hop was embarrassing. I know, because I actually danced with two boys who were a class behind me. One of them was a younger brother of a classmate, and the other was the school superintendent’s son. The shame still burns. Dating a younger fellow was completely out of the question.
As I recall, that carried over to college. First year women graduated from the horror of being too old for 3/4 of the boys in their high schools to being the hot new women on campus. Men, of course, found themselves relegated from the Premier League to the EFL. (I live with an English football fan.)
I had two rules in high school regarding eligibility of any potential boyfriend. He had to be older and taller than me. Within three years, I would break both of them.