This is the first time in weeks that I’ve gone to church. Either I’ve been up late or I go and help at the hospital. I hope I can go next Sunday, but I go to the O’s house Saturday night, so I doubt if I’ll make it. Sometimes I wonder if it’s worth it. I’ve got to get started on that book and outline - it’s due the 16th.
I’ve been practicing piano a lot this weekend but still feel like I’ll never make it. We have a recorder recital January 27, too!
Comment 2022
”Sometimes I wonder if it’s worth it”? What? Babysitting? Church? For the life of me, I can’t even remember what church we were going to in 1964. Were we still Episcopalians, or had we joined the new Lutheran church in town? It certainly seems to have made little impression on me. Judging from my diary, I spent more time babysitting than just about anything else. I know that I was already faltering in my faith. The Trinity had always seemed unbelievable to me, and reciting the Apostles’ Creed made me feel like a liar.
I do remember practicing Debussy’s “Reverie” over and over again, trying so hard to keep it smooth and flowing. And always having trouble finding the last note. What was it about last notes?
Candy day was lovely and productive. I have finished Bob’s present, and have only to complete Connie and Jack’s. The church holiday party was great fun - music, gaiety and great food. The congregation is going through a difficult time, but I believe it will survive. We need to remain optimistic and believe in the strength of community. I guess the same can be said for the country right now, as we head for a vote on impeachment.
Comment 2024
That’s the Clinton impeachment, folks.
It’s been a chaotic week. No grading, since I am retired, but a flurry of rehearsals, meetings and appointments. How wonderful that I was able to attend Kiddo 1’s vocal recital. She wowed the audience with beautiful selections in several languages, finishing with a very challenging selection from Handel - - and all with a lingering cold. I am a very proud mama.
I'm pretty sure we were going to St. John's in 1964. Remember when I played "Bits And Pieces" on the Carillon? That song was released that year. Gee, look at me, playing historical sleuth! 😅