Oh, how awful! Someone called this afternoon and wanted me to babysit. Mom said it was Mrs. O! Well, at 8:00 I was over there and there they were - putting up a Christmas tree in their old clothes. Mom was wrong! That person didn’t give their name. I played a hunch and called Mrs. B who lives next door. I was right and hurried right over. I got $2.00. Bob got me something for Christmas and my guess is a transistor radio. However, he wouldn’t spend that much on me, since he goes to college next year!
Comment 2022
We moved to Sunny Valley Estates* when my parents were just turning forty. Most of our neighbors were much younger, which meant my brother and I had few playmates in the neighborhood. At first, that was a bit of a downer, but when I reached babysitting age, that turned around. By the time I was fifteen, I had a dozen steady customers, most within walking distance of my house. Weekends during the holidays were booked far in advance. This was my primary income until the summer after my senior year, when I finally got my driver’s license and also went to work at my dad’s newspaper as a proofreader.
Besides the money, the appeal of babysitting was exploring other people’s houses. I was quite a little snoop, going through their kitchen cupboards, looking at their photo albums and reading their books and magazines. I was particularly good at locating the daddies’ stashes of Playboy magazine. Racy jokes and the “Playboy Advisor” feature were important elements of my otherwise dismal sex education. Yep, Playboy, my mom’s obstetrics textbook from nursing school, and the Kotex pamphlets in health class. That was it.
*Is that a quintessential suburban subdivision name, or what?
Hello! I have been accepted at Syracuse University and awarded a full scholarship ($1500). It isn’t 4-year as such, but can be renewed if I keep a B+ average. (Ho ho ho)
I have stopped writing to Juan - I’m sure I don’t love him. I just loved Mexico.
Yearbook is going fine.
Tonight I’m going to the church youth group with RK. He looks pretty old for me - in his 20s, but Who Knows?
Comment 2023
Pobre Juan. You can search on his name in this stack, and relive the whole saga (though out of order, but maybe it makes more sense that way).
My Mom really liked RK, who was indeed too old for me, among other things. But he was Lutheran, which is all she wanted for me. Oh, well.
Well, I think I’ve managed to slow down a bit. It was the combination of end-of-the-semester rush, lively music, and too much thinking. But I have read a bit, taken a nice long bath, reflected…and feel better..
Yesterday I got a hopeful call from a marketing person at Vintage Books. They might be interested in a book on Children’s clothing. Well, well. So might I. Time to get cracking on a prospectus.
I am trying to be less tied to an exercise schedule. Yesterday I had a breakfast meeting and no time for exercise. So I did weights with Jane Fonda while Jim was making dinner. This morning I decided to workout to “The Grind” but wanted something to mull over, so did my reading and reflection first. ’Tis good.
I am enormously satisfied with all three classes I am teaching this semester. The students’ proposals for next sprig are exciting and thoughtful. The Diversity in American Culture class has become a community. Somehow, everything’s coming together.
Im feeling pretty wonderful, and in awe of Kiddo 1, who is a pretty wonderful person. Very nearly an adult. That is a remarkable feeling.
I am realizing that online teaching works better when it is not linear. Going to revise my WebCT course to figure out how to do it.
Comment 2024
I wish I could remember everything I learned about online course design 10-25 years ago. I am not a fan of synchronous online courses; Zoom has its uses, and is great for some classes, but not everything.
Observation: This quilt cover is full of dog hair.
I think I would not mind being undergraduate dean of the college, or even dean of undergraduate studies. I would not need to be promoted to do the first (God knows, it would kill any such possibility!)
It is a gray cold Saturday. The house needs cleaning and holiday-ing.
It is a gray rainy Sunday. The apartment needs cleaning and holiday-ing.
It is a gray rainy Wednesday. The apartment needs cleaning and holiday-ing.