1966 (Mexico)
We went to Chapultepec, and also to a market. It poured buckets so we couldn’t go ice skating. We went and ate at Sanborn’s instead. What a meal! On the way home I got mad at Pati and Nana. They were trying to whistle, taking too much time, and laughing at me.
Talked some with Juan. He says I’ve changed since I came here. I am more a woman, less a baby. Does he really love me? I can’t believe it. He’s just oversexed. I’m positive the Playboy bunny towel belongs to him!
Comment 2023
Sanborn’s enchiladas suizas = my madeleines.
I am exercising again. How long that will last, I don’t know. It never really becomes part of my routine. (I never want to have a routine, either, even though I need one.)
(List of exercises I did…)
Ah, well, time to get off my un-firm duff and do dishes and make me a lunch. (As Jim would say, “Poof, you’re a lunch.)
Comment 2023
And Jim thought he wasn’t ready to be a Dad.
With school closing in, it’s good idea to think about housework. (Logical, n’est ce pas?) or whatever.
Comment 2023
There follows a one-page listing of all the household chores, with frequency and assignment to either Jim or myself. I won’t bore you (or myself) with it. It didn’t work, anyway.
Tonight I was the speaker at church, to a rather large turnout, considering the time of year. I talked about men’s and women’s clothing and sex roles. It was a varied group - - a nice change from those homogeneous college students. What impressed me was how interested they were! I forget sometimes that what I do is interesting. It’s easy to believe that my work is so esoteric or odd that only other costume people would appreciate it. How heartening to realize that my field is as interesting to others as it is to me. Also, it turned into a good discussion about male and female roles, and how we dress for them, which is what I’d hoped would happen.
Things have calmed down now after my Norway trip. Kiddo is now back to a reasonable bedtime schedule. Of course, she’s also dropped her afternoon nap. It turned into a trade-off - - - two-hour nap or 7:30 bedtime. Since we prefer some quiet time alone, we’ve gone for the no-nap schedule.
Sometimes it’s a real strain having Mom here while she waits to move into her new apartment. Only now and then, and we are always better once the air is cleared. I hope she hears from Largo Landing soon. Our new tenant, Jan, will be here in a few weeks. I doubt if life will be harmonious if we are forced to live in tight quarters for a long time.
1997 (UUMAC)
I am finally enjoying UUMAC and feeling for at ease and engaged. The theme speaker and workshop are both excellent, the weather has been spectacular, and Night Owls has been alternately energizing and frustrating. Ah, well.
Comment 2024
My first Unitarian Universalist Mid-Atlantic Conference. Six weeks after Mom died. Although it started off very rough, within a few days I was finally emerging into the light.
UUMAC was the best ever. Great theme speaker, excellent workshop, ROLLER COASTERS, even the food was better. The weather sucked, but you can’t have everything.
I am feeling the same icky August angst as always. Not enough done, too much to do, not enough time. I could spend 12 hours away getting ready for fall, but I also need some down/quiet time to think and regroup. August should be slow and lazy, but never is.
Obvious ideas can be good ideas.
Comment 2023
I carefully put everything in my bag: my current knitting project, together with the notions needed for it (markers, stitch counter, cable needle). Two notebooks: my “bullet” journal and my small Circa notebook. A favorite fine-pointed pen. Earbuds. Keys, of course. The DVD I need to drop off to a neighbor. Sunglasses, reading glasses.
Not until I sat down in the Bistro did I realize that I’d forgotten my phone. The phone with the knitting pattern on it. The phone with the podcasts I’d brought the earbuds for. A few false starts followed. I could send that email, but no phone. I could transcribe that poem from the Circa notebook, but no phone. I could google… no phone.
So I will write, and maybe draw. I might knit from memory, If I’m really brave. I could take pictures of my drawings. NO PHONE! (Caught again!!)
Saw Billy Budd for the second time in a week last night. Almost makes me want to read some Melville. Almost.