Juan told me what was troubling him - the late nights with Raul. And now he says he was wrong - he DOESN’T like me. Oh, too bad.
I finished “Los Dioses en el Destierro” today. It was great - all about what happened to the old Greek and Roman gods after the rise of Christianity.
Juan and Raul are both home now. Juan looks poorly. Awwwwwwwwww!
Another Thursday.
My first full day at UUMAC, and I am still settling in and hoping to find more good than bad here. My first part of a day was unpleasant; too much waiting for our rooms, too many self-absorbed, liberal intellectuals. (Oh, YEAH, Jo!) The workshop this morning was ok, though one person talked too much. I think she may be still recovering from her husband’s death, but I am not sure. Maybe she always talked too much.
Comment 2023
UUMAC. My first year at the Unitarian Universalist Mid-Atlantic Conference took place about six weeks after my mother died. I had emptied her apartment, executed her will, organized her memorial service, andI was ready for a break. My teenaged daughter had been to UUMAC the year before, and encouraged me to go and bring Kiddo 2, then ten years old. Jim had just started at IKEA the year before, and didn’t have enough vacation days to come along. Kiddo 1 fell in with the other teens. Kiddo 2 tried to make friends with the small pack of ten-year-old boys, but being a pack of ten-year-old boys who had attended UUMAC together for several years, he ended up being the odd kid out. I really just want to listen to music on my MP3 player and write in my journal, but it turns out UUMAC isn’t that kind of thing. It’s lively, busy, and aggressively friendly. If you have ever been an introvert, or in mourning (or both) in this kind of situation, you know how most of my week went.
So I am working on replacing Candy Crush with a 20-minute walk. It does help that the weather has been more pleasant. 70 degrees in the morning is so much better than 80 degree and loads of humidity.
I am watching SRK’s first film, Dil Aashna Hai. It was made before Deewana, but released after. He is so young, so nervous. And that baby face, and that horrible hair! But I caught a glimpse of grownup Shah Rukh Khan in one scene and had to go back and watch it again. It is fascinating to see his growth as an actor. The hardest part is watching him suppress his energy. I have seen so many interviews and watched him fidget and twitch, shifting positions and licking his lips, etc. To see him stand stock still and do nothing is weird.
Comment 2023
I love how I try so hard to turn my crush on Shah Rukh Khan into this very, very intellectual project of studying “his growth as an actor”.
The horrible hair, though. But don’t the eyebrows and lips make up for it?
Not too obsessed.