August 29
There still aren’t enough hours in the day to do all I want to do, but I think I am being more selective.
And now it’s Wednesday, and I’ve done better on the housework, but not on the department newsletter. That I will do today. But generally I’ve been well-behaved and hard-working. There’s a list of things to do as long as my arm…but that’s an old story. I feel like my old self; even my writing has improved. The letter I sent to CIBA-Geigy was positively eloquent. (I blush) And I am reading lots. There still aren’t enough hours in the day to do all I want to do, but I think I am being more selective.
Later, same day
Three productive days in a row! That must be a new record. I am trying hard to clean up little tasks that can be done in bits of time. V called and told me my paper on valuation was “terrific”. Now if I can only get up the nerve to submit it to History News, which is where it really should be published. Ah well, Then there’s Museums Journal. And I still have to type it. (Ick. Maybe I’ll pay someone?)
Kiddo continues to unfold. This week she's tried to stand on her own 2 feet while we hold her under the armpits. She's even taking a few steps, clearly enjoyed the sensation. Does this mean she'll be walking early? She hasn't rolled over yet, but really shows no interest in it. That's not true, actually – – she can twist her shoulders and hips around so that she's on her side and she does that for minutes at a time. I take her outside with me now that it's cooler. She seems to enjoy the change of scenery, if not the sun. Still doesn't like bright lights.
We just had a very nice weekend sailing with Ira and Roberta, then a night on the town in Annapolis. Kiddo stayed overnight with Remy and so we even got to sleep late Sunday morning. Life is quite satisfying now, even if it is slightly hectic.
I’ve made another discovery this week., at the end of the summer. (Though it’s been simmering in my mind.) I need my work, and by that I mean the work that takes me away from the house and Kiddo. I really love being a mother, but I enjoy it the most when I don’t spend most of my time actively “mothering”. For all that I think about working at home full time, it would be a disaster right now. I need a balance. Last year it was 3 days on campus, 4 days at home. This year is was 4 days on campus, 3 days at home. This coming year, 3 days on campus might be fine, but I need to follow my instincts and stop trying to do everything “right”.
Connie, Jack and Quincy arrive today for a short visit. I have a lot to do before they arrive, but right now I am savoring being up before Kiddo. Classes start in a few days, and summer will be over. It has, strangely enough, been what I consider a good summer. I didn't get everything on my list done – – I never do – – but it was very much a change of pace. Everything I did was very satisfying, except the history of textiles class. Which was neither here nor there. The high points were the computerization workshop, the trip to Canada, the kitchen remodel, and the month of leisure between the Canada trip and my surgery. The library schedule was great – – just too short. But I'll try to extend it into the school year, since it worked so well. Time to get up and get dressed and get going and get an antihistamine.
Evening, the same day.
I saw the doctor today for my post-op check up. I seem to be doing well; I can now resume normal activities. We took our suits to the doctor and went to the pool right after lunch!
I'm enjoying having Connie and Jack here. It's really a housewarming. It never really seems like we've moved until they come to visit. Kiddo is really getting a charge out of playing with Quincy, too. Poor dog.
I just caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror all hunched over my journal. Great posture Jo. The one thing I should have listened to Mom about.
Had a great Service Day today at Northwestern High School. Despite some rough spots (students being dressed inappropriately) they seem to have provided useful work for most of the groups. I met and talked with Ms. Jade, the education director at the Boys and Girls Club, who
1) is from Nebraska (!)
2) has taught popular culture and literacy similar to what I want to do with the AMST498J course.
3) is working on her PhD in History
Comment 2023
I get so excited when I meet another Nebraskan.
2014 (Star Island)
Last full day. Up at the crack of dawn, watched the sunrise. It was, as someone remarked, “nippy”. I was wearing a T-shirt, a long-sleeved thermal T, a light cardigan, and jeans, and was also wrapped in a blanket. Sitting in my rocking chair, shivering.
Tarot: 3 of Discs. “Working toward a worthy goal, with the support of others.” Who knew that a week away from work would bring me around to my work so gently, yet clearly?
Later: I am sitting in the summer house on the west end of the island, listening to the breakers as the tide goes out. The water is achingly blue, except where it is dazzled by the sunlight. Far, far in the distance there are mountains, also blue but very faint. It is impossible to hold onto this moment, and yet I try. I feel so full and peaceful here, and I am wearing for more time. Another week, or a summer, or even a long gray winter, just to see what’s like when the island comes to life in spring. This is a good place. Coming here was necessary and being here is perfect. I know it won’t last, and so I look once more at the sea and try to soak it into my soul’s memory.
"My life...lacks this quality of significance and therefore of beauty, because there is so little empty space. The space is scribbled on, the time has been filled." Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Gift from the Sea.
2017 (Facebook)
Yes, I finally "graduated", and it only took me 59 years!
Comment 2024
The “first day of school” the year I retired.
A peaceful week at Chesapeake Beach. Hot and sticky, so mostly inside. (Except Wednesday, which was beautiful.) Frank was fun. Paul was Paul, which is always good.
Comment 2024
Paul, don’t ever change!
No list today. Just a focus on yesterday’s puzzle. What did I think about the “rules” about being a girl in the 1950s? How did I learn them? What did I love about that dress, which I wore until I was in sixth grade and it no longer fit?