It may be difficult to get started today. The main culprit is my great productivity on Monday and Tuesday and my equally great procrastination on both days. I managed to get lots done, but not the newsletter or the housework. (Still, it’s only Wednesday.)
Comment 2023
Housework is NEVER a priority, unless a) company is coming or b) I need to procrastinate on something I hate more.
Little by little…I’m proofreading and revising my thesis, working on my lectures, and otherwise getting squared away.. Hopefully, by the end of next week I’ll be sufficiently done to start thinking seriously about grants, the collection, etc. It is amazing to me how smooth this transition has been. But then, I was an instructor for a year before I started the PhD program, and I have been treated like a colleague by most of the faculty. The fact that I was considered “different” from the other grad students helped, I think. Or has it robbed me of an important part of the experience? (Probably not…)
I am sooooo looking forward to the end of allergy season. The last week or so has been murder. I’ve gone from taking an occasional antihistamine to one a day. I’d been really ragged without them. Wardrobe problems are hitting again. With cooler weather here, I’m noticing my lack of tops. What do I have/need to get me through 3-4 more months of pregnancy? I could use 2 or 3 shirts, and a light jacket or cardigan for when a coat is too much. Also a new pair of maternity jeans. I’m budgeting $150-200 for everything.
Well. Kiddo 2 is 9 months old two days ago. Jim had his vasectomy yesterday. (Hooray!) I am probably 3/4 done with the conceptual clarification paper. It is acting to round out better. I have become more adept at writing ANYTIME since Kiddo 2 came along. Morning, afternoon, night, just sit down and do it. Right now I feel good. Just got it off the computer, it’s 10:17 pm and everyone is asleep except me. I don’t know if this paper is what they wanted, but they can always toss it out. (!!) Attitude. Now that’s what tenure does for you.
Comment 2023
I do not remember writing a “conceptual clarification paper”. Sounds terrible.
An interesting transition is taking place in my life. Or maybe transitions.
1) My children suddenly need me only sporadically, rather than constantly. I’m not sure Kiddo 1 needs me much at all, in fact!
2) I have lots of leisure time, created by #1 and also my usual procrastination.
3) I have more time with Jim (Yay!)
4) I am switching between a written journal and a sketch journal. Not sure how long that will last.
I should be working hard to get ready for fall. But part of that work is getting emotionally ready, not checking things off a to-do list. This will be a good year, I hope. Busy and productive.
Oh, and I started Suzy’s obedience training. She liked it, and did well.
TGIF, even if it has brought me one step closer to the first day of classes. Having Kiddo 2 in pottery class 9-4 helps give me LONG periods of productive time. I have too much to do, alas. But I am becoming happily apprehensive about the coming year with College Park Scholars.
It is a summer day with a strong hint of fall. How can I think of tomorrow when NOW pulls me so strongly?
Comment 2023
Never resist “now” at times like these, grasshopper. We still cherish the “sea lion” spoon holder Kiddo 2 made in pottery class.
Writing a note to my future self.
Dear future Jo,
You are probably wondering what retirement will bring. You are facing the most transformative years in your life since the year your old department was eliminated. Letting go of teaching was easier than you expected. And now that the last book is done, you no longer feel the tug of “productivity”, but are free to read and think and share your thoughts. You are also free to spend your time in solitude, or in company, as you wish. You have made your peace with your living situation (house or no? Here or somewhere else?) And you no longer worry about your children at 2 am.
Comment 2023
I let go of teaching, but after six years am going back, a little, with a non-credit short course for my neighbors here in Retirement Land. The “last book” has gone through several changes and is still unfinished. But we did move out of the house, which turned out to be a brilliant decision. I read much more than when I was working, especially fiction and memoir. Of course I still worry a tiny bit about my children and grandchildren, but not in the middle of the night.
“Note” doodle from a lecture on immigration at Chautauqua.
Gack! This book review is killing me. I wonder if they would accept it in tanka form. (5-7-5-7-7)
I read the whole thing. There’s nothing wrong with your book, as far as it goes. You left a few things out, though. You didn’t cite my work once.