You'd think I'd learn. Well, silly me went to a dance and that dolt V was there. Of course I didn't dance with him. I felt like crying, but I didn't - at least not until I got home. I love him for what he is, but I hate him for what he does. He must hate me an awful lot to tease the way he does. I wish I never noticed him. Or do I?
Comment 2006
Unrequited (Haiku)
After the sock hop
I said I hated him
With my fingers crossed
And so began my descent into the hell of the woman scorned. My diary entries about V were about to turn very bitter and mean. Was it my attempt to exorcize my feelings for him? Was it too many romantic films where the lovers detest each other at first, only to realize the depth of their passion in the middle of a crisis? Poor V. He wasn't teasing me. He was just dancing with girls his own age and avoiding the weird 15-year-old stalker.
Comment 2023
The “hate at first sight” love story has been with us a long time. From “Much Ado About Nothing”, to Pride and Prejudice through 1930s rom-coms, “African Queen”, and so on and so on. My family knows that I was so distracted by his “bad boy” roommate that I didn’t give Jim a second glance for weeks. No memories are more cherished than the times we were ridiculously wrong.
God: Adam, look what I made for you? Now you won’t be so lonely.
Adam: Oh, really? Maybe I prefer being alone. Some all-knowing deity you are.
Eve: Nice way to greet a lady, buster. You’re no prize, either.
God: Oh look, here comes a saber-toothed tiger! See you two later!
(Eve jumps into Adam’s arms; Adam impales the tiger on a sharp stick that appears from nowhere. Behind them, a full moon rises through the trees.)
Eve: Gee.
Adam: Uh.
God laughs, offstage.
Cold, rainy April day. I tried very hard to accomplish things but found myself stymied by various things. (Broken projector lamp during and exam, student problems, taking an unscheduled shower). Oh well, enough whining. Back to work. Feh.
So proud of Kiddo 2 at this conference. I got a glimpse of the adult me is becoming. Also, I may be tired of performing “academic”. This is the worst kind of tedium I am doing these days.
I continue to struggle to understand how my research findings can be discussed in the context of gender studies. One of the main challenges is that the clinical studies all occurred in different frames of reference - - what were considered masculine and feminine baby clothing - - but are then compared over time as if the clothing never changed. I don’t feel qualified to interpret the clinical studies. But I would be delighted if my work inspired someone else to to do so.
The comments from Indiana U Press reviewer #1 gave me a lot of food for thought and left me feeling positive and energized. The idea of formulating the book as a series of essays is appealing. It continues to pester me whether I am a “real” historian or not. Cultural historian? Fashion Historian? To me, I simply am who I am and do the work that I do. I do the research that I do, and tend not to rely on theory to the extent that seems to be prevalent in American Studies/Cultural Studies/ Material Culture these days.
I hope Reviewer #2 gets to me soon. I feel back in the grove and am eager to to start revising.
Comment 2024
I submitted a proposal to the National Endowment for the Humanities back in the 1990s. The reviewers liked it very much, but one commented that I wasn’t a “real” historian, which has haunted me ever since. They were right, of course. I only took two “real” history classes across my three degrees; the rest were art history, history of fashion, and history of textiles. Ironically, once my two books were published, reviewers identified me not only as a historian, but also a sociologist. I am even less of a real sociologist.
That hate at first sight plotline is common in the Hallmark-style movies. A variation is the chance encounter with one's past lover with whom the protagonist parted hurt and/or angry. Of course the spark of True Romantic Love reignites their passion for one another in spite of all the odds.
Gee, I like movies with happy endings!