This afternoon the Student Council gave the movie "The List of Adrian Messenger". It was neat. Part of the cast were: Kirk Douglas, Frank Sinatra, Robert Mitchum, Burt Lancaster, Tony Curtis and one other actor I forget, but these 6 actors were disguised through most of the show. I picked out all except Frank Sinatra.
After the movie Marcia and I played tag in front of the school. It was silly, but fun.
Comment 2006
It does my heart good to realize that my memory was as terrible at 15 as it is today. There were only 5 disguised stars, not 6, in "The List of Adrian Messenger". I remember it as a really gripping mystery; wonder how it holds up by today's standards?
The lovely sinus headache is still there, even after a good night’s sleep. The stiff neck is gone , but will most definitely be back if I insist on studying in bed all day, Which I must not do.
I am beginning to fantasize about the Smithsonian fellowship. The anxiety is growing. If only I would hear; if only I would hear GOOD NEWS.
Jim and I are talking about what to do when my degree is finished. The idea of moving seems inevitable. The job at the Smithsonian, slim a prospect as it is, looks more attractive all the time. Perhaps I could accomplish more research if I were there, instead of teaching. But I like teaching. IN my mind I have built a picture of MY seminar in hospice costume and textiles. Taught once a year, a combination of Ridgeway’s and Wise’s courses. Questions and projects; an intense review of the literature. Hot dog.
We are enjoying our childbirth classes. It’s nice to talk to other women who are in the same situation, at almost exactly the same point. Jim seems to enjoying his contact with the fathers, too. He’s gotten more involved, too. At first he was mainly concerned with money and logistics, in a kind of “remotely” responsible sort of way. Now I think he’s starting to make the transition to father. He’s felt it kick, heard the heartbeat. It makes both of us very pensive at times. It will be a tremendous change, after being together nearly fifteen years. But I’m looking forward to it. I hope it’s a little early, so I have more time at home with it. Even so, my guess at a due date would be the first week in June, not May 28. But it’s not like timing a scuffle or a boiled egg. It’s born when it’s born. (May I put in a request, my child, for May 20-28?)
Comment 2024
It’s interesting that “it” seems not human, but “they” as a gender neutral pronoun works.
Also - spoiler alert - Kiddo 1 arrived a month early.
I won tickets to Doug Jennings magic show. Finally got a sitter for Kiddo 2 so we can all go.
And the next thing you know, it’s spring. I’m still behind, still confused and still hanging on. Today I have the time to work, but my head is killing me and I stayed up too late last night (surfing the web) and got up too early (to go to the Girl Scout local council annual meeting). So here I lie in bed at 2:45 PM, ready to doze off.
Oh, well…
Some catching up to do! I was hardly idle these last few days. Put in a great day in the yard on Saturday, then a long, early day on Sunday. Daylight Savings Time began that day, which meant the last couple of mornings have been a but bumpy. I have a lot to do, but I feel pretty much in control, especially considering it is close to the end of the semester.
Kiddo 2’s mouse is no more. He was sad about it, but is now looking forward to the funeral.
I am sweaty and longing for a shower, so this will be short. I need to consider my next step on the stitched project, before giving two talks on the subject in the next four weeks. I have an appointment on campus at 10:30. But just to say: it is a beautiful spring day. My body feels good today. Despite my stiff left shoulder and neck, I am feeling supple and energetic. The semester is rolling to a close and I CAN’T WAIT!
Near Lake Pontchartrain with the sun streaming through the train windows. I am listening to Terri Gross’s interview with Leonard Cohen. I had a thought about doing my summer sermon about my desire of for transcendence, It is now cursing around to the poetry and music of Leonard Cohen. Book of Longing, and his latest CD.
If I want to find out, the DVD is available through InterLibrary Loan. Yay Libraries. My days of playing tag, alas, are long gone.
Happy Procrastination Day! I am doing things I have been avoiding. To celebrate, I started my day by procrastinating one more time.
To quote myself, “I’m still behind, still confused and still hanging on.” - 1995 Jo
I knew when I started this project there would be a lot of that sort of post. I had no idea how much; it’s humbling.
Damn that autocorrect!!!!
I watched The List of Adrian Messenger a couple of years ago on our Silver Screen cable channel. I'd put it somewhere between Mad Mad World and North Bay Northwest.