April 5, 1965
What a lousy day! We had a Geometry test and, well, it was a spot quiz (2 questions). I got a 0. I was in a lousy mood all day. I still can't seem to get out of it.
Mrs. O called up tonight. She said there's a camp weekend at Maria Pratt and we couldn't go to it before. But today there was an announcement that since there were no snow days, our vacation was being extended.
April 5, 1973
I want to go to Colorado! It would be so sweet to drive out the last two weeks of May…or late May and early June. Four days out, 6 days there, four days back. If Aunt Grace still has her condominium. Have to ask…my flight schedule so far:
4/12 Hartford 11:05 a.m. to Chicago 12:20 pm
4/14 Chicago 12:40 pm to Omaha 1:59 pm
4/16 Omaha 12:50 pm to Denver 1:08 pm
Denver 2:05 pm to Sacramento 3:17 pm
4/20 Sacramento 1:15 pm to Denver to Hartford 10:37 pm
Must get a camera!
April 5, 2006
After transcribing all these entries that include snow storms, it is amazing to recall that we had no snow days in our small Western Connecticut town that winter. If we had the same winter in the Maryland suburb where I live now, we'd be doing make-up days until the end of June.
But that's winter in the north country, children. So your momma wasn't exaggerating; I really did walk a mile to school in the snow, uphill (but only in the morning).
You made me laugh with the last line of your comment! I took my daughter to the city in upstate PA where I grew up and we drove from my house to my high school to prove that it was in fact over a mile and a very steep hill - and no snow days either!
Have enjoyed your diary posts. I didn't have the patience to ever keep one.
April 5, 1998
One problem I do not have is discerning a sense of personal style in clothing. I believe I have always had it. Comfortable fabrics, personal touches, certain shapes of blue, cranberry, and that gold . (Love that gold.)
April 5, 2023
Seriously, I own nothing in any shade of gold and I can’t remember what I was talking about.
April, 1973 was a wowser. My mother decided to visit her parents in California for the first time since 1953, and take me along. It was the first time I’d ever flown, and the longest I had been away from Jim since we were married in 1970. All those stops along the way were short visits with two of her sisters - Grace in Chicago and Carol in Omaha. I had met them at various times, but not recently. In Sacramento I was to see my grandparents for the first time since I was four years old, and three more of my aunts, two for the first time since I was a baby. Mom was one of eight children, all still living in 1973.
Now only Aunt Carol is left. The second youngest, she just turned 91. Methinks a trip to visit her in Richmond, VA, is long overdue.