Babysitting again. This time at O’s for 8 hours and $5. I watched TV a lot. First I saw “Laramie” with Robert Fuller. It was a rerun (the show went off last year) but good. I don’t know what happened, but I watched “Daniel Boone”. What lousy acting!! I saw Robert Fuller again at 10. M came over today and we went to K’s house. K’s snotty cousin and C (K’s foster brother) were fighting over G, who was also there.
Comment 2006
I had SUCH a crush on Robert Fuller!
Comment 2023
He shows up twice in my scrapbook. I still hear his growly voice in my head. Celebrity crushes are the best, IMHO. And the critics agreed with me about “Daniel Boone”, as the TV Guide clipping proves.

Also —Oh, Jo. So nice on the outside, so judge-y on the inside.
I am feeling, if anything, too relaxed. I know that one semester is rushing to an end, that I should be rushing with it. But my general reaction to that proposition is “Feh!”
I feel, for instance, that I am living deeper and really doing more (and better) brain work than I have in the past. Oh, I am feeling so scattered right this moment!! And I raring to go, or raring to do, or just raring to rattle around?
My back and my hips have been really excruciating lately. I should make an appointment for a physical around my birthday. (Just when I long to work in my garden, my body just poops out. What a crime!)
Comment 2023
It is actually comforting to be reminded that body aches have been with me for a long, long time. The gymnastics accident back in March 12, 1965 resulted in decades of pain whenever I overdid physical activity. The hip thing is probably connected, if I remember the old song correctly.
A lost day, for writing at least. I woke up with a headache, but still went for a walk. After breakfast, I surrendered to the headache and crawling into bed , where I slept for two hours. Was it allergies? Caffeine withdrawal? Barometric pressure changes? Who knows. But by afternoon I felt well enough to try recording “Hallelujah”. Suffice it to say that the only way I can enjoy the sound of my own singing voice is in a group. I will not be sending that recording. But I did get a fair amount of family photos sorted and invented a way to turn the hated chewy granola bars into hot cereal for breakfast.
Comment 2023
For mysterious headaches, my money is on barometric pressure.
I have loved music as long as can remember: listening to it and making it. Now I mostly listen, thanks to a football injury that ended my fiddle career and the changes that time has wrought in my voice. During the height of the pandemic, our church choir director became a recording whiz and produced dozens of videos that were streamed on YouTube as part of Sunday worship. Each singer would record their part while listening to a master track, then send it to be stitched together. The results were impressive, but the experience of hearing my own voice on the solo track was harrowing.
The rest of the 2020 entry is a reminder of life in the plague times. We had moved to a large retirement community just as everything closed down in March. Food was delivered to our apartment every three days: breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in generous amounts but not of our choosing. So I exercised by taking long walks outside and amused myself by sorting all the old family photos (still in process) and trying to creative with the food we didn’t like. Tip: granola bar+water or milk, microwaved for about a minute, makes a passable hot cereal.
Current activity: revising a thing for today’s writing group, assembling the menu for tomorrow night’s Fawlty Towers dinner and bingewatch. Ginger beer, lemon squash and a scotch and water! Also blocking the finished beret.