April 2, 1965
I feel sick today. It all started when, in Spanish class, we were discussing bullfights and how cows and pigs are slaughtered. Then I had gym and ran around alot. By lunch time I was feeling downright lousy. I threw up when I got home, so I couldn't go babysitting.
By the way - I've been accepted as an aide at Camp Maria Pratt this summer.
April 2, 1997
As it turned out, I did a bit last night. I really feel like sewing lately. But what? It is a gorgeous day today…still breezy but not gale force, and green and bright. I have things to do but nothing overwhelming. I did extra Jane today, needing to really get back in the swing. Now if I could only get a new bed.
April 2, 2023
Jane = Jane Fonda. I had one of her VHS tapes, and used it pretty faithfully in the late 90s. The 1997 entry could have been written today. We actually did have gale force winds yesterday and today is green and bright. No sewing , though. I am still in my knitting phase, with two projects underway and about to start a third. I have offered to teach a few church friends how to knit and we start today, all working on the same pattern.
Being accepted as a program aid at the regional Girl Scout camp was a bigger deal than it seems from the way I wrote about it. I blame my ooginess for my lack of enthusiasm. I was so pleased I pasted the official letter in my scrapbook.